Rules - tnodir/fort GitHub Wiki


Overview of the Rules

Rules are for defining network rules for applications and global rules.

Application Rules

You can only add 1 rule per program, but you can add different preset rules to app rule.

Global Rules, applied before or after Application Rules

Syntax of Rules

Basic syntax

  • Rule's text can contain Filter Lines, separated with new line (\n)
  • Filter Line can contain Filters, separated with :
  • Filter Line can contain Sub-Filter Lines, wrapped by { and }
  • Filter can contain optional name and values
  • Filter's values can be wrapped by ( and )
  • Filter's can be negated by !


This rule has 2 filter lines.


This rule has 1 filter line. Example's logic:

  • the IP should be ""
  • AND ( the Port should be UDP 443 OR (TCP 80 AND incoming) )

Example: !{ port(80):dir(out) }

Address AND NOT (port 80 AND outgoing).

It's more effective to use values list in one filter, than several filter lines:

):(80, 443)

Possible Filter names

  • "ip": ip(,, [::1]) First filter's name is "ip" by default.
  • "port": port(53, 80, HTTPS, 1024-3000) IP address's next filter's name is "port" by default.
  • "local_ip"
  • "local_port"
  • "proto" or "protocol": proto(TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, 97, 100-140)
  • "icmp_type": icmp_type(8, 10-18)
  • "icmp_code": icmp_code(0-9)
  • "dir" or "direction": dir(IN, OUT)
  • "area": predefined network areas area(LOCALHOST, LAN, INET)
  • "profile": network interface's profile profile(PUBLIC, PRIVATE, DOMAIN)
  • "tcp": tcp(...) is optimized sugar for { proto(TCP):port(...) }
  • "udp": udp(...) is optimized sugar for { proto(UDP):port(...) }

Rule's settings

"Exclusive" Rule

You can turn on the Rule's "Exclusive" flag to skip the rule's preset rules, when the rule's filters is blocked. The flag is effective, when the Rule is Allowed only.

Example: Allowed Exclusive Rule with text "profile(PUBLIC)" and its presets. When current network profile is not Public (but Private or Domain), then the Rule will not be processed.

"Terminating Rule"

You can turn on the Rule's "Terminating Rule" flag to set mandatory action, when no other filters or preset rules triggered.


  • rules max count = 1024
  • global rules max count = 64
  • rule's preset sub-rules max count = 32
  • rule's max depth count = 7 (max level of {{{...}}})
  • rule's preset sub-rules max depth count = 8 (max level of preset sub-rules)