University Model - tlumip/CALM GitHub Wiki

The University model is a tour-based model representing the travel decisions of university students, faculty, and staff. It also models parking lot choice based on the number and costs of parking spaces allocated to students, staff, and visitors.

Model Flow

The University model, if the RunUniversityModel setting is enabled, is run (in Java) from the JEMnR R scripts via a batch file, which specifies the model paths and launches the Java executable. Visum skims in OMX format are first converted to ZMX format, which the University model can read without modifications, and saved to the unimodel/emmemat folder. The model outputs a trips table to unimodel/outputs in CSV format, which JEMnR then processes into a matrix and saves as an RData file.

Inputs and Parameters

Prior to running the University model, JEMnR splits the model population into two sets: a university population, whose travel decisions are made by the university model, and a general population whose travel decisions are modeled by JEMnR.

The University model uses its own TAZ data file and several Utility Expression Calculator (UEC) files, which specify how matrix and zonal inputs are used in the model.

Inputs are documented in memo 4.2 starting on page 73 and on the Model Inputs page.

Synthetic Population

The University model requires both disaggregate households and persons files created by an outside population synthesis model (PopSynIII) plus PUMS files used to generate the group quarters and university faculty/staff population.

The PUMS person and household files are for Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) 600, Linn and Benton counties in Oregon. PUMS data files, variables, and codes can be found at the Census Bureau PUMS website.

The file path to the person and household files are stored in the GroupQuartersPopulation.PUMS.PersonFile and GroupQuartersPopulation.PUMS.HouseholdFile University model properties, which should be updated if these file names change.

The household and person Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files are read in by the university model program, and are used to create the group quarters (GQ) synthetic population. The target number of GQ records by type for each TAZ are read from the TAZ Data file. The synthetic household and person files containing the non-GQ population are generated by the Population Synthesizer, which should be run separately before running the university model. The synthetic population files contains the representative non-GQ population for the entire modeled region. The University of Oregon students living in family or non-family residential households can be identified using the UofOTag in the person file. The university faculty and staff members are sampled from the synthetic population by the worker location model. While the synthetic population contains all households and persons, the university model is applied only to persons tagged as student, staff, or faculty members of the University of Oregon. The full synthetic population is required to generate the size terms for the worker location model. The TAZ data file contains household by type, employment by type, and other fields that are necessary to run the university model. The time and cost skims are used for calculation of accessibilities, mode, and destination choice models.

Network Skims

Skim matrices provided to the University model from Visum and JEMnR are listed on the Model Outputs page. However, not all skims are actually used by the model. This is dictated by which skims are defined and used in calculations in the UEC files.

The following table summarizes the level of service (LOS) skims used by the CALM university model. The skims should be in ZMX format. In the current CALM university model, these skims are generated by the Visum transportation software and converted to ZMX format. The skim names and descriptions are summarized in the table below. Note that skim names should be kept the same. The LOS skims depend on various network attributes and settings. The auto skims depend on roadway attributes such as speed limits, number of lanes, capacities, and volume-delay functions. The transit skims depends on transit routes, headways, dwell times, and transit runtimes.

Skim Name Description
mf9 In-vehicle time for Bus-Walk mode
mf10 Walk time for Bus-Walk mode
mf11 First wait time for Bus-Walk mode
mf12 Second (transfer) wait time for Bus-Walk mode
mf14 Number of transfers for Bus-Walk mode
mf19 Off-peak auto travel time
mf20 Peak auto travel time
mf21 Auto distance

For example, while looking into University model errors, we found that bike and walk distance skims were not used in calculating zone-to-zone bike and walk travel time in the University Model.

Instead, the UEC entries above show skimmed auto distance is multiplied by the speed in minutes per mile to calculate travel time in minutes. (20 minutes per mile for a 3mph walk speed, 6 minutes per mile for a 10 mph bike speed)

UEC Calibration

The University model mode choice was calibrated as part of the migration to Visum.

This line was added to the University tab in /unimodel/ctlfiles/UniversityTourModeChoice.xls:

Field Value Explanation
No 280 Next integer in sequence, should be unique value
Token (blank) Not defining a token
Description Visum calibration adjustment
Filter (blank) applies to all markets/modes
Formula for variable 1.0 no variables used
DRIVEALONEFREE 0.1663 DA calibration adjustment
DRIVEALONEPAY 0.1663 same as above
SHARED2GP 0.1557 HOV 2 calibration adjustment
SHARED2PAY 0.1557 same as above
SHARED3GP 0.0599 HOV 3 calibration adjustment
SHARED3PAY 0.0599 same as above
WALK 0.0928 Walk calibration adjustment
BIKE -0.1810 Bike calibration adjustment
WALK_LOC -1.5564 Walk to Local Bus calibration adjustment
WALK_PRM 0.00 Not used
PNR 0.00 Not used
KNR 0.00 Not used

The calibrated values are the result of an iterative process. Initially, the values on this line are the natural log of the target mode share for University model trips (from the Emme model) divided by the current mode share. After updating the UEC, the model is run again and new adjustments are calculated using current mode shares from the latest run. The number used in the UEC is the sum of the adjustments from each iteration, so that the 2nd iteration uses the sum of adjustments from iterations 1 and 2 and so on.

Parking Lot Choice Model

If UniversityParkingLotChoiceModel.RunModel is set to true in, then the major university parking lot choice model will be run.

This model requires an input file allocating parking spaces to TAZs. The format for Parking_Capacity.csv is described on the Model Inputs page.

The model will choose a parking lot TAZ for each worker and student who travel to any of the university zones for work or university tours by auto tour mode. It will insert the parking lot as the first and last on-campus stop on their tour, which will be identified by a “Parking” purpose in the trip output file for the lot location. The model will also output a parking demand file HouseholdManager.output.parking.file and an unmet demand file containing demand for parking that cannot be accommodated by available parking supply UniversityParkingLotChoiceModel.UnmetParkingDemand.file.


The original model and updates are documented in 3 technical memos:

Future Enhancements

The University model could be updated to accept OMX matrix inputs directly. Currently, ZMX files are prepared solely for the University model.