Measuring resonances update - tkocou/V400-Files GitHub Wiki

Consult Image: Code/Wiki Images/mounting_kusba.jpg

First prepare the printer for this measurement. Follow the page in this wiki titled Kusba adapter.

Then following this page, when you get to the part about activating the macros, go to the speeder-pad and from the home screen; use the following buttons: Configurations -> Input Shaper -> Auto-Calibrate -> either Measure X or Measure Y

I ran into a MCU error when running the resonance measurements. Per the referenced page, I changed the microsteps from 64 to 16 in the X, Y, Z stepper motor sections of the printer.cfg file and saved it. Afterward, each axis measurement concluded without an error.

When getting ready for normal printing, do the "disconnect" in this order:

  1. Edit the printer.cfg file and edit out the [include adxlmcu.cfg] reference like this #[include adxlmcu.cfg]

  2. If you changed the microsteps, change them back from 16 to 64 (all 3 axis)

  3. Save and Reboot the printer.cfg file

  4. Unplug the Kusba board from the speeder-pad, remove the Kusba board from the hot-end and remount the fan shroud