Kusba adapter - tkocou/V400-Files GitHub Wiki
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C734JL4Z or eBay (search on 'KUSBA: Klipper USB Accelerometer')
The Kusba Accelerator module can be purchased from AmazonHardware needed: 2 each M3x5 screws, 2 each M3 nuts for the screws
Consult Image: Code/Wiki Images/kusba.jpg
The kusba_mount.stl file (found in the Code/STL models area) once printed, will create an adapter plate for the Kusba Accelerator module. On one side of the adapter plate, press in M3 nuts into the hex openings. The tolerances are tight and you might need to use a pair of vise-grips or a bench vise to press in the nuts.
On the other side of the adapter, insert the M3x5 screws through the openings on the Kusba board and into the holes of the adapter. The Kusba board should flat to the adapter (component side facing away from the adapter) and should not not cover the 3rd hole. Tighten the M3 screws.
Once you are ready to use the Kusba module, the Klipper software will need updating. Follow the instructions here: https://github.com/xbst/KUSBA/blob/main/Docs/v2-Rampon-Firmware.md.
Upload the adxlmcu.cfg via the Mainsail interface. In a terminal window via SSH into the Speeder Pad, run ls /dev/serial/by-id/* and edit the adxlmcu.cfg in Mainsail.
Procedure: Run the command before plugging in the Kusba board at the Speeder Pad. Note what devices are showing. Plug in the Kusba board and re-run the command. Write down the "new" device which appears in the listing. In Mainsail -> Machine page, open the adxlmcu.cfg file and change the line after [mcu adxl] to read the new device which you wrote down earlier. Then save the adxlmcu.cfg file and restart. And unplug the Kusba board.
Consult Image: Code/Wiki Images/mounting_kusba.jpg
And finally, mount the adapter board onto the hot-end of your V400. To accomplish this action, you will need to remove the fan shroud first. Using the same shroud mounting screw, mount the board and rotate the assembly so the USB cable comes off of the hot-end at a 45 degree angle upwards and GENTLY route the USB cable toward to back of the printer (in between and away from the rods).
Hint: the angled sides are at a 45 degree angle. Make one of those sides parallel to the hot-end base. The other angled side should be around a 90 degree vertical to the hot-end base.
Continue with these instructions https://github.com/Guilouz/Klipper-Flsun-Speeder-Pad/wiki/Measure-resonances-with-FLSUN-ADXL.
Skip over the sections pertaining to the other accelerator options.