Fine Tuning the Print - tkocou/V400-Files GitHub Wiki

Download this model from this URL:

In your slicer software, use the 0.2 mm normal profile and make sure the flow rate is set to 100% for all variations. Then slice the First_Layer_Test model and upload the gcode file to the V400.

Start the print of the model. On the Klipper screen, you will see a button called "Fine Tuning". Tap that button to pull up the tweaking parameters. While the model is being printed, tap whatever changes you need to get a good result. Be careful in adjusting the Z height parameter. It is easy to overcompensate the setting. When the model finishes printing, your changes will be automatically saved.

Clear the build plate and reprint the model to confirm the printed model result is what you need.

Once you have fine tuned the V400, you can set the flow rate in the slicer to 100% and let the V400 do the adjustments in printing. Less hassles in the slicer software allowing you to focus on other slicer settings knowing the layer heights will be okay.