Eclipse Setup - tiancode/GamePlay GitHub Wiki

Install the External Dependencies

Before you get started you will have to download the dependencies separately:

Install Eclipse IDE for Java (JUNO)

Download and install Eclipse

Create Workspace

Create an Eclipse workspace one level above the GamePlay codebase. Ex:

  • /home/seanpaultaylor/code

Therefore your GamePlay repo would be cloned to:

  • /home/seanpaultaylor/code/GamePlay

Install Eclipse CDT (C/C++) plugin

  • Open Eclipse
  • Click Help -> Install New Software
  • Click Work With: 'Add' button
  • Add the CDT plugin using location:

Setup for Linux

Install Linux Dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc cmake libglu1-mesa-dev libogg-dev libopenal-dev libgtk2.0-dev curl libpcrecpp0:i386 lib32z1-dev

Import projects for Linux

Import each of the following linux eclipse projects:

  • GamePlay/gameplay
  • GamePlay/samples/browser
  • GamePlay/samples/character
  • GamePlay/samples/lua
  • GamePlay/samples/mesh
  • GamePlay/samples/particles
  • GamePlay/samples/racer
  • GamePlay/samples/spaceship

For each:

  • Right-click the Project Explorer and click Import.
  • Click General -> Existing Project into Workspace.
  • Select root directory for each of the paths listed above.
  • DO NOT select copy projects into workspace.

Build and Run As/Debug As

Setup for Android

Instructions for using Eclipse to build and debug on Android devices. The Eclipse IDE setup for Android development works on Linux, MacOSX and Windows desktop environments.

Install the Android SDK

  1. Download and install the Android SDK.
  2. Make sure <android-sdk-path>/tools and <android-sdk-path>/platform-tools are added to PATH.

Install the Android NDK

  1. Download and install the Android NDK.
  2. Make sure <android-ndk-path> is added to PATH.

Install Apache Ant

  1. Download and install Apache Ant.
  2. Make sure <ant-path>/bin is added the PATH.

Add Android SDK Package (API 16)

  1. Run the SDK Manager to install SDK Platform for Android 4.1.2 (API 16)

Install Android plugins for Eclipse

  • Open Eclipse
  • Click Help -> Install New Software
  • Click Work With: 'Add' button
  • Add the Android plugin using location:

Set the path to SDK and NDK:

  • Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Android -> set path to SDK
  • Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Android -> NDK -> set path to the NDK

Import projects for Android

Import each of the following android eclipse projects:

  • GamePlay/gameplay/android
  • GamePlay/samples/browser/android
  • GamePlay/samples/character/android
  • GamePlay/samples/lua/android
  • GamePlay/samples/mesh/android
  • GamePlay/samples/particles/android
  • GamePlay/samples/racer/android
  • GamePlay/samples/spaceship/android

For each:

  • Right-click the Project Explorer and click Import.

  • Click General -> Existing Project into Workspace.

  • Select root directory for each of the paths listed above.

  • DO NOT select copy projects into workspace.

  • Run 'ant' from the command-line of sample directory to copy asset for eclipse. GamePlay/samples/browser/android> ant debug

  • Build All

  • Debug As -> Android Native Application

Setup for BlackBerry

Additional instructions for using Eclipse to build and debug on BlackBerry devices. Same instructions as Android. However you must install the BlackBerry Eclipse plugin for Android Player. This provides a proxy to be run before running. For more Information:

  • The maximum API level supported on BlackBerry 10 is Android 4.3 (API 18).

Install BlackBerry plugin for Eclipse

  • Open Eclipse
  • Click Help -> Install New Software
  • Click Work With: 'Add' button
  • Add the Android plugin using location:
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