Building gameplay encoder - tiancode/GamePlay GitHub Wiki

The gameplay-encoder comes pre-built for Windows, MacOS X and Linux Ubuntu in the 'bin' folder.

To build the gameplay-encoder yourself, follow the instructions on this page.

Building on Windows using Visual Studio

  • Download and install the FBX SDK:
  • The gameplay-encoder has been setup to look for the FBX SDK in the default installing directory C:\Program Files\Autodesk\FBX\FBX SDK\2015.1
    • Update the paths in gameplay-encoder.vcxproj if you did not install the FBX SDK in the default installation directory
  • Open gameplay-encoder.sln in Visual Studio
  • Build gameplay-encoder

Building on MacOS X using XCode

  • Download and install the FBX SDK for MacOS X:
  • The gameplay-encoder project has been setup to look for the FBX SDK in the default installation directory
    • Update the paths in gameplay-encoder.xcodeproj if you did not install the FBX SDK in the default installation directory
  • Build gameplay-encoder

Building on Linux Ubuntu using CMake

  • Download and install the FBX SDK for Linux:
  • tools/encoder/CMakeLists.txt has been set up to look in the default installation directory of the FBX SDK (/usr)
  • Build gameplay-encoder by uncommenting add_subdirectory(tools/encoder) in gameplay/CMakeLists.txt and running the CMake build via:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..