Semi‐manual dissemination - thoth-pub/thoth-dissemination GitHub Wiki

In addition to the automated dissemination processes which run on regular schedules, it is possible to trigger semi-manual dissemination processes for ad-hoc dissemination, where required.

This can be done via the manual-disseminate GitHub Action.

Clicking on the grey "Run workflow" button on the Action page will open a drop-down.

To trigger immediate dissemination of one or more Thoth works to a specific target platform, enter the Thoth ID(s) of the work(s) and the name of the platform in the drop-down boxes, then click the green "Run workflow" button.

Note that the name of the platform must be entered in the expected format, as listed under --platform in the Options section of the usage instructions for this repository.

The process will then start, and appear as a new entry at the top of the list of "workflow runs". You can check its progress in the same way as any automated dissemination process.

For any supported platform where appropriate credentials are present in the repository, the method of submission and the content provided should conform to the agreed (manual) distribution workflow.