Minutes from the RIOT meeting @ IETF 87 - thomaseichinger/RIOT GitHub Wiki
Participants: Oleg, Cedric, Martin, Manu, Kaspar, Ludwig, Christian
- Devel Procedures:
- be less specific, use good judgement on commit rules
- otherwise fine (oleg)
- no defined release cycle, just set milestones and release when finished
- create stable/devel branch on first release
- Tim Scheuermann wants to work on RIOT
- Native Port
- native port networking more or less working. Stable for christian, one segfault bug for ludwig
- random delay on reception side for oleg, some packets lost
- agreed to merge into master (ludwig)
- manu suggests to get riot native port to the juniper guy, kaspar suggests to wait for the release, manu agrees, everyone else enjoys the right of being silent
- native port networking uses cc1100 emulation, do we need support for others?
- ludwig says yes to olegs question
- cc24xx makes no sense to emulate because of it's full mac design
- only one transceiver per type in one riot instance, ludwig creates issue
- Release Planning
- remove unmaintained features from master (tracelog syslog logs micro mesh) (oleg)
- think about unified logging (christian creates issue)
- toolchain
- econotag has no XIP rom, needs to copy everything to ram
- no "toolchain per platform"
- kaspar creates and maintains toolchain building scripts
- need automatic testing and continuous integration
- we want cc to react to github pull requests, check coding conventions