Lua RTOS & board status - thilo-hub/Lua-RTOS-ESP32 GitHub Wiki

The Lua RTOS & board status functions provides information about the operation system and board status. This functions are provided as an extension of the Lua os module.


Get information about your board.

Arguments: nothing

Returns: the board type, the board subtype, and the board brand. Board subtype and board brand can be empty.

-- Get board information
type, subtype, brand = cpu.board();

-- Print to screen
print("Type: "..type)
print("Subtype: "..subtype)
print("Brand: "..brand)


Get the CPU name and CPU revision number, installed in your board.

Arguments: nothing

Returns: a string, with the CPU name installed on your board.

-- Get the CPU model
cpu = os.cpu();

-- Print to screen
print("CPU: "..cpu)
CPU: ESP32 rev 0


Get Lua RTOS version installed in your board.

Arguments: nothing

Returns: the operating system name (Lua RTOS), the version number,the system build time (expressed in EPOCH time) and the commit's hash (from github) used in build.

-- Get operating system name and version
oss, version, build, commit = os.version();

-- Print to screen
print("OS: "..oss..", version: "..version..", build: "", commit: "..commit)
OS: Lua RTOS, version: beta 0.1, build: 1495574689, commit: 4d92804451cbec7d3ad545c66a92ffab35c63871


Get the reset reason.

Arguments: nothing Returns: reset reason.


Get the EUI from Winbond SPI FLASH chips. This EUI is read in the Lua RTOS boot process if the Lua RTOS -> General -> Read SPI flash EUI setting is enabled in Kconfig.

Arguments: nothing. Returns: the SPI FLASH EUI or nil if EUI is not available in your board.

/ > os.flashEUI()


Show the Lua RTOS up time on the console, or return a table with the Lua RTOS up time information.


  • table (optional): if true, the up time information is returned in a Lua table, if false the up time information is printed on the console.


  • if table is false: nothing or an exception.

  • if table is true: a Lua table with up time information, or an exception, with the following fields:

    • current: a string with the current time in %H:%M format
    • days: up time days
    • hours: up time hours
    • mins: up time minutes
    • secs: up time seconds
/ > os.uptime()
23:26 up  0:19:05
up = os.uptime(true)
print("days: "..up.days..", hours: "..up.hours..", mins: "..up.mins..", secs: "..up.secs)