LDR SENSOR - thilo-hub/Lua-RTOS-ESP32 GitHub Wiki


What Comments
Identifier LDR
Interface ADC
Provides illuminance lux (*)
Properties R1
R1 resistance in ohms (**)
R2 resistance in ohms (**)


lux Surfaces illuminated by
0.0001 Moonless, overcast night sky (starlight)
0.002 Moonless clear night sky with airglow
0.05–0.36 Full moon on a clear night
3.4 Dark limit of civil twilight under a clear sky
20–50 Public areas with dark surroundings
50 Family living room lights
80 Office building hallway/toilet lighting
100 Very dark overcast day
320–500 Office lighting
400 Sunrise or sunset on a clear day
1000 Overcast day: typical TV studio lighting
10,000–25,000 Full daylight (not direct sun)
32,000–100,000 Direct sunlight


LDR component must be part of a voltage divider circuit:

LDR can be placed in the R1 or R2 location:

  • R1 location: R1 = 0, R2 = fixed resistor.
  • R2 location: R1 = fixed resistor, R2 = 0.

Typically the fixed resistor is 10K = 10.000 ohms.

Sensor default values are R1 = 10.000 ohms / R2 = 0. Default settings can be changed setting the sensor properties once sensor is attached (see example code).


-- Attach LDR sensor to an external ADC (ADS1115) / channel 0
s = sensor.attach("LDR", adc.ADS1115, 0)

-- Configure sensor. LDR is set on R2, R1 has a fixed value of 10K
s:set("R1", 10000)
s:set("R2", 0)

while true do

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