Widgets Common Attributes - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki

Some widgets have attributes, which are unique to them, some other attributes are common to all widgets. Below you find a list and a explanation of all common attributes.

Attribute Description
name Optional: Name of the widget
posx The horizontal position of the widget. Default is 0 (left). You can either use virtual pixel, a percentage value to the screen or position attributs. For percentange values, the value has to start with a percentage sign, followed by a value between 0 and 100 (eg %65). %0 would mean left aligned, %100 would mean right alignend and %50 would mean center. You could use the position attributs "left", "right" and "center" as well. Positioning is either based on the virtual screen coordinates, or based on the relevant anchor.
posy The vertical position of the widget. Default is 0 (top). You can either use virtual pixel, a percentage value to the screen or position attributs. For percentange values, the value has to start with a percentage sign, followed by a value between 0 and 100 (eg %65). %0 would mean top aligned, %100 would mean bottom alignend and %50 would mean middle aligned. You could use the position attributs "top", "bottom" and "middle" as well. Positioning is either based on the virtual screen coordinates, or based on the relevant anchor. T
width The width of the widget in virtual pixel. If no width is given, the width of the last ancor is used. You can use a % of the width of the last ancor as well (eg. '%30')
height The height of the widget in virtual pixel. If no height is given, the height of the last ancor is used. You can use a % of the height of the last ancor as well (eg. '%30').
Relative size and positions There are special options to set the size and position based on other wigets or based on itself. The widget attribute (posx,posy,width,height) has to start with "of:". Than you need to specify, what attribut you would like to refer to too. This can be one of the following words:
  • top: You get the posy attribut from the referred widget
  • left: You get the posx attribut from the referred widget
  • bottom: You get the bottom attribut (posy+height) from the referred widget
  • right: You get the right attribut (posx+width) from the referred widget
  • width: You get the width attribut from the referred widget
  • height: You get the height attribut from the referred widget
  • totop: Helpful to attach a widget on top on another: posy of the referred widget plus the own widget height
  • toleft: Helpful to attach a widget to left on another: posy of the referred widget plus the own widget height
The third element (after a colon) points to the referred widget. Can be either
  • widget name: refers to the widget with the given name
  • self: refers to the widget itself
  • last: refers to the last used widget
The forth element (after a colon) is optional. You can multiply the pulled value with the vlue given here. Examples: width='of:height:self:*0.5' This creates a widget width half of its own height posy='of:totop:Anchor Name' Puts the widget on top of the Anchor with name "Anchor Name"
enabled Specify, if a widget is enabled- By default all widgets are enabled. If a widget is disabled. it is not visible on the screen. There a actions to enable or disable widget at runtime. Please use "0" to disable a widget and "1" to enable a widget.
backgroundcolor The background color of the widget in hexedecimal RGBA format. It has to start with a pound sign (eg: #ff00ffff). Please use only low capital chars.
anchor You can specify an anchor to use for the xpos and ypos attributes. If you embedd the widget within a anchor, the anchor will be assigned automtic, otherwis you can specify the name of the nchor manually here.
action If a widget supports action, you can specify the name of the action here. This is the singletap action
actiondoubletap If a widget supports action, you can specify the name of the action here. This is the doubletap action
actionlongtap If a widget supports action, you can specify the name of the action here. This is the longtap action
actiondownonly If a widget supports action, you can specify the name of the action here. This is the action if you want to call something explicit on a touch down
actionuponly If a widget supports action, you can specify the name of the action here. This is the action if you want to call something explicit on a touch up
actionpars If a widget supports action, you can specify additional paramater to pass the action as an json string. For calls and functions a variable will be created for each action par (see actions:call)
interface Sets the interface for this action. You can either use the direct interface name, or, even better, use a variable which points to the interface name. Please refer to section "Variables" to understand, how to use variables. You should just set the interface, if it is different from the page default interface or from the anchor interface.
configname Sets the configuration for this action. You can either use the direct configuraton name, or, even better, use a variable which points to the configuration name. Please refer to section "Variables" to understand, how to use variables. You should just set the configuration name, if it is different from the page default configuration or from the anchor configuration.

An example line for a widget could look like the example below.

```xml <element name="Button Power On" type="BUTTON" posx="left" posy="top" height="%50" picturenormal="button square*" action="Send Power On" fontsize="%h70" textcolor="$var(green)" caption="icon:power_on"></element> <element name="Button Back" type="BUTTON" posx="right" posy="top" width="%12" height="of:width:self" picturenormal="button wide*" action="Show Page" actionpars="{&quot;pagename&quot;:&quot;$var(LASTPAGE)&quot;}" fontsize="%h40" caption="icon:close_window"></element> ```
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