Widgets BACKGROUND - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki


The Background widget creates a background. You can either have a solid color as a background or a picture. Pictures are scaled to fit to the screen. You can place the background widget everywhere in your page definition, but it is recommended, to place it as the first widget. You could add click/double click and wipe actions as well. There are only a few attributes for the background widget.

Attribute Description
type fixed: needs to be "BACKGROUND". Capital letters!
backgroundcolor The background color of the background in hexedecimal RGBA format. It has to start with a pound sign (eg: #ff00ffff). Please use only low capital chars.
picturenormal If you want to use a picture as background, you have to give the name of the picture file including the full path. You should use variables to provide the path to your picture file.

Below you see three examples for a background: One with a solid color, one with a dedicated picture as a background and one with the skin default background.

<element name='Background Main Screen' type='BACKGROUND' picturenormal='$var(SKINPATH)/pics/background.jpg'>
<element name="Background Main Screen" type="BACKGROUND" picturenormal="background">
<element name='Background Main Screen' type='BACKGROUND' backgroundcolor="#ffffffff">
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