The Framework - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki

Orca is witten in Python. Python is an interpreter language, so the sources will not be compiled. You do not need a compiler and you do not need a developmnet environment. Using PyCharm as an IDE is helpful, but not mandantory. A simple text editir will do the job as well.

Orca is based on the Kivy framework. Kivy is a portable framework for developing mobile applications using python. Currently kivy is supporting the following Operating Systems:

  • Windows
  • Android
  • Unix
  • MacOSx
  • IOS
Due to the lack of availability of any Apple devices. MacOSx and IOS is untested.

To setup a development environment for ORCA ou ned the following components:

  • A PC running Windows 7/10 or Linux (Ubuntu is tested)
  • Python installed (Version 2.7 or 3.7 or both)
  • Pycharm as IDE
  • install kivy following the instruction from the kivy home page (incl. gstreamer)
Within Pycharm you need to add the following python modules
  • future
  • mw-client
  • plyer
  • requests
  • rsa
  • urllib3
  • wakeonlan
  • ws4py
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