Reference Definition tvfavorites_template - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki

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This template definition provides the settings and elements to switch TV channels. Please notice, that the widget needs to be loaded into a square anchor.

This definition has the following capabilities

Capability Description
Orientation Landscape and portrait
Screen Size
  • small / landscape
  • small / portrait
  • large / landscape
  • large / portrait
Interfaces No Interfaces


This definition uses the following definitionvars:

  • "definition_alias_appfavorites_template": default value = "App Favorites"


This template defines the following settings:

  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_bouquet
The start bouquet to show when the page is shown
  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_bouquet_name[x]
The name of the bouquet, where x is a value from 1 to 4
  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_tvchannel[x][y]
The (TV) channel number of this channel. x is the bouquet number (1 to 4) y is the button number (1 to 29)
  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_tvlogo[1][1]
The (TV) channel logo of this channel. x is the bouquet number (1 to 4) y is the button number (1 to 29)

There are some default channels and logos defined (fits for German channels, but for sure, can be adjusted and changed be the user)

How to import

You can import the definition by using the following syntax in your definition.xml

<definitionvars>{"definition_alias_tvfavorites_template":"TV Favorites"}</definitionvars>

importlanguages ="1"
importpages     ="1"
importsettings  ="1"
importactions   ="1"
alias           ="$dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)"
definitionvars  ='{"definition_alias_tvfavorites_template":"$dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)"}'>tvfavorites_template</definition>


The following elements are defined to use:

  • block_tv_channels: A block of tv buttons to switch tv channels
Usual you can load the blocks using the the following code fragment as an example:
<element name='Anchor TV Logos' type='ANCHOR' posx='%97' posy='of:totop:Anchor BottomGap' width='%35' height='of:width:self' >
<xi:include href="$var(DEFINITIONPATH[tvfavorites_template])/block_tv_channels.xml" parse="xml"  />

Button Actions

The following button actions are defined for each tv channel button Normal tap: calls action $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchchannel Long tap: NoAction Double Tap: NoAction

For the boutquet button the following button actions are defined: Normal tap: calls action $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchbouquet_byindex


The following pages are defined:

  • Page_Device_TV: A dummy page, not for any use


The following actions are defined:

  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchbouquet_byindex : Switchs the bouquet by index number : you have to define the "$dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchbouquet_byindex_parameter_DROPDOWNINDEX" variable to a bouquet number 1 to 4.
  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchbouquet : Switchs the bouquet by index number : you have to define the "BOUQUETNUM" as a function parameter or as a direct var $var($dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchbouquet_parameter_BOUQUETNUM).
  • $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchchannel : Switchs the TV Channel : you have to define the "CHANNELNUM" as a function parameter or as a direct var $var($dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchchannel_parameter_CHANNELNUM). The Bouqet number must be set in the var $var($dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_bouquet)
To get the channel loaded when your page is shown, you should call the switch bouquet function in the pagestart actions of your page


<action name="Load TV Pictures on first start" string="call $dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_switchbouquet" BOUQUETNUM="$var($dvar(definition_alias_tvfavorites_template)_bouquet)" />
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