Interfaces wake_on_lan - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki

Wake On Lan

The Wake On LAn Interface send a magic packet in the local subnet


The following settings are supported by the interface

Setting Description
MAC the Mac address of the device. Format = aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Host The subnet, (not the IP Address) of your device, usually this is the IP adress of your device with .255 at the end.

The simplest way to determine the mac address is to ping your device and the type arp -a and notice the mac address. Please use the shown format , means hex adress, small letters, and a colon. You also need to provide the subnet, (not the IP Address) of your device, usually this is the IP adress of your device with .255 at the end. |}

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️