Interfaces URL - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki


The URL interface provides an interface for web based communication. It is designed to control devices with a web interface. Tis is a inidirectional interface, so triggers are not supportet. The interface supports retrieving values from the device.


The following settings are supported by the interface

Setting Description
Host Host-Name or IP-Address of your web device/server. Could be "discover" as well. (upnp discover)
Port Port Address of your device. Default is 80
User Username , if logon is requiered
Password Password , if logon is requiered
FNCodeset Filename of your codeset. Without path
parseresult The way, responses should be parsed
tokenizestring If the responses should be tokenized, this token should be used. Defaults to ":"
resultendstring How to detect the end of a respond. Defaults to [LF]
DiscoverTimeOut For Autodiscover: Timeout to discover a device in seconds. Defaults to 5
SaveDiscoveredIP For Autodiscover: Flag if the discovered IP should be saved. Prevents to discover every app start.
OldDiscoveredIP For Autodiscover: The last discoverd IP-Address. Delete, if you want the force a new discover
TimeToClose Timeout in seconds, until the connection from the interface to the device will be close.
  • -1 The connection will not be closed
  • 0 The connection will be closed immediately
  • all other, Timeout in seconds
DisableInterFaceOnError Disables the interface, if an error occurs. Prevents the interface to continue to send commands to a broken connection.
DisconnectInterFaceOnSleep Disconnects the interface, when your remote control device goes to sleep

You need to define the codeset filename, which contains the command set for your device

A codeset file could look like that (shortened version):

<action string="codeset" name='info'             type="soap" rc_key="79"  waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_1'            type="soap" rc_key="1"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_2'            type="soap" rc_key="2"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_3'            type="soap" rc_key="3"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_4'            type="soap" rc_key="4"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_5'            type="soap" rc_key="5"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_6'            type="soap" rc_key="6"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_7'            type="soap" rc_key="7"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_8'            type="soap" rc_key="8"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_9'            type="soap" rc_key="9"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='key_0'            type="soap" rc_key="0"   waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>

<action string="codeset" name='pip_toggle'       type="soap" rc_key="10" waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
<action string="codeset" name='mute_toggle'      type="soap" rc_key="13" waitforresponse='0' requesttype='POST' cmd='$var(loewe_URL)' headers='$var(loeweheader_injectkey)' params='$var(loeweparams_injectkey_l2700)'/>
Attribute Description
action Defines, to which ORCA action the command should be send
preaction This defines an action from this codeset to be executed, before this action will be send to to your device. This gives you the option, to gather required information using json, before you can send this action
getvar This defines, which information will be collected from the json respons., Only the last attribute will be used. If an attribute belongs to a list, only the first list entry is parsed.
ldestvar This defines, which variable should be set by the information parsed by getvar. This variable is local to the interface and local to the configuration
gdestvar This defines, which variable should be set by the information parsed by getvar. This variable is global to all ORCA functions
cmd This is the command to transmit using json. Do not forget the trailing newline \n. You can chain up several commands separated by a newline tag.
requesttype The Requesttpe: Can be "POST", "GET", "soap"
headers The header information to send to the device, eg: '{"Connection":"Keep-Alive","Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate"}'
params Parameters to send to the device, for POST requests. eg.: '{"key": "Digit0"}'

Variable replacement: You can use variable placeholder to use variables in your json command string

var Description
var() Uses a global variable name to be replaced
lvar() Uses a language variable name to be replaced
cvar() Uses a local variable to be replaced
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️