Gestures - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki

There are several files, where gestures are defined:

Table of Contents


The gestures.xml is the main file, which defines, which gesture files should be loaded. It is a standard system file, so you should not change it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ORCA> <gestures xmlns:xi=""> <xi:include href="$var(ACTIONPATH)/standardgestures.xml" parse="xml"></xi:include> <xi:include href="$var(DEFINITIONPATH)/actions/customgestures.xml" parse="xml"></xi:include> </gestures> </orca>

You see, that two files are loaded to define your gestures structure:

  • standardgestures.xml: These are system wide gestures, which you can assign to your pages. This file is located in the [orca_root]\actions path. You should not modify this file, it will be replaced by the next update.
  • customgestures.xml: These are your custom / definion gestures, which you can assign to your pages. This file is located in the [orca_root]\definitions\[definition]\actions path. You can modify this file as you like.


Gestures are either standard gestures or custom gestures. Standard gestrues are a set generic gestures, which are stored in the standardgestures.xml file, which you can find in the [orca_root]\actions path. You should never change this file. A (short) example could look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <includes> <gesture name='wiperight' data='eNq1l8Fu2zAM .... /AYzisfI=' /> <gesture name='wipeleft' data='eNq1l91uGjERE.....rhc/AVBXgGI=' /> <gesture name='wipedown' data=hfHp621WOFSHYZ.....YlnB57H4B7waqdw==' /> <gesture name='wipeup' data='eNq1l0tu2zAQh...eNZOHzZ/gFna8z5' /> </includes>

There are just two parameter to define a gesture:

  • name: The name of the gesture
  • data: A binary representation of the gesture (see section Recording Gestures below)
Custom gestures are stored in the the customgestures.xml file, which you can find in the [orca_root]\definitions\[definition]\actions path. Here you define all your your gestures, which are specific to your definition or are missing in the standardgestures file. It has the same structure as the standard gestrures xml file.

You can replace standard actions by redefining them in the customer actions xml file.

Assigning Gestures

Gestures can be assigned to backgrounds and widgets. (currently only backgrounds are supported). If you perform a gesture on background or widget, Orca validates, if a gesture for that has been defined and then call the assigned action. Gestures will be assigned by using the action "addgesture". For background this should be part of the pagestartactions.

Recording Gestures

Gestures can be recorded by the ORCA gesture recorder. It can be found in the settings dialog in the tools section

Standard ORCA Gestures

There is a set of predefined standard gestures available to integrate them into a definition
markleft markright circletopclockwise circlebottomclockwise
wiperighttoleft wipelefttoright wipedowntoup wipeuptodown
squarerighttopclockwise squarerightbottomclockwise squareleftbottomclockwise squarelefttopclockwise
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