Actions ModifyVar - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki


Modifies an existing variable. This is an inplace modification, so the given variable will be changed: a=fkt(a). If you need something like a=fkt(b), you need to copy the variable using setvar prior using this functions. "Increase" and "decrease" works on numeric variables only. "Invert" works on numeric (0/1) or on string variables (True/False). "Lowercase","Uppercase","Trim" works on string variables "Concatenate" , "Getpart", "Format" works on all variable types "Getlen" and "Find" are the only sub action, that will not modify the var, it will return the result in a different var "Load" and "Save" are options to create persistant variables. You can sav a variable value and reload the value at the next application start. Some note on "Getpart", which is to extract a part of string from a string. It follows python rules (eg.: string[start:end]) where start or end could be empty Fromvar converts a variable name into its variable value

Attribute Description
string modifyvar
varname Variable to use/modify
parameter1 First parameter for operator
parameter2 Second parameter for operator
Operator Operator for the command. Use one of the following keywords
  • "increase"
  • "decrease"
  • "multiply"
  • "divide"
  • "invert"
  • "lowercase"
  • "uppercase"
  • "trim"
  • "concatenate"
  • "getpart"
  • "format"
  • "getlen"
  • "find"
  • "power"
  • "save"
  • "load"
  • "delete"
  • "round"
  • "fromvar"
  • "hex2int"
  • "hexstringtostring"
  • "stringtohexstring"
  • "loadfile"
  • "tovar"
  • "addtoarray"
  • "removefromarray"
  • "exists"

Remarks on some operators

Operator Parameter1 Parameter2
increase The delta value (like a=a+x) Optional: The upper limit
decrease The delta value (like a=a-x) Optional: The lower limit
multiply The Multiplier (like a=a*x)
devide The Devidor (like a=a/x)
power The power (like a=a^x)
concatenate The string / stringvar to add (like a=a+"mystring")
getpart The start position The end position
fromvar (gets the variable content from a variable name given in a variable) The context of the var
delete either deletes a single var or an array if the var name ends with []
tovar (assigns a variable name to a new variable without variable replacement) newvarname: the new var name, where the var name should be assigned to
format The format string, following the python string.format syntax e.g.: "(int)FFFF00{0:0>2x}"
round The rounding position (eg 0=round to int)
getlen the destination var for the length
save A prefix for the cookie name
load A prefix for the cookie name The default value, if no save value is available
loadfile The filename, from which the content should be loaded into the var The default value, if no save value is available
addtoarray The var value to be added Boolean, if 1, than only add, if value is not already in array
removefromarray The var value to be removed
exist The var name to return, if the var exists (0/1)

A short example:

<action name="" string="modifyvar" varname="DIMVALUE" operator="divide" parameter1="6.25"/>
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