Actions LoadElement - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki


Loads a given xml element at runtime. Helpful to adjust pages based on given conditions. Needs to happen, before the page has been initalized. Experimental: Loading (not replacing) is supported after page intialisizing as well

Attribute Description
string loadelement
filename Filename to load. Can contain variables: eg: $var(STANDARDELEMENTSPATH)/block_topline.xml. The xml file must follow proper xml syntax
pagename Pagename, to which the element should be added
anchor Optional: Anchor within the page, where the element should be added to.
definitionvarcontext Optional: The definitioncontext (definitionvars) to be used. If not given, the context of the page is used
widgetname If given, the loaded element will use size and prosition of the element with this name. Only the first element of the included xml element will be used. The original widet will be removed.
A short example:
<action name="Add Topline" string="loadelement" filename="$var(STANDARDELEMENTSPATH)/block_topline.xml" pagename="Page_Device_Page_Device_$dvar(definition_alias_mediaplayer_template)_Net" />
<action name="replace one of the buttons with the back button Button" string="loadelement" filename="$var(DEFINITIONPATH)/block_returntofiretv.xml" pagename="Page_Device_$dvar(definition_alias_mediaplayer_kodi)" widgetname="Button Power On"/>
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