Actions AddTrigger - thica/ORCA-Remote GitHub Wiki


Registers / Deregisters a trigger to an interface. If the interface supports triggers and support the registered trigger, the action assigned to the trigger, will get called. Do not forget to deregister the trigger, if your action will interact with screen elements on a specific page.

Attribute Description
string addtrigger
triggername Name of the interfacetrigger to bind
actionname Action to be called, when interfacetrigger happens
retvar Destination variable to return to
getvar Variable to parse: Variable, which get parsed from the trigger result. This could be an codeset code as well. In this case, it needs to start with 'codesetcode:'
A short example:
<action name="" string="addtrigger" triggername ="Application.OnVolumeChanged" actionname="trigger_on_kodivolume" getvar="codesetcode:On_Volume_Changed" interface="kodi" configname="main" />
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