Section 17: Old Bugs, Glitches, and Features - therabidsquirel/The-Fallout-Shelter-FAQ GitHub Wiki


Q: What's the point of this section?

A: Information for this game is sometimes hard to find, so as a result people sometimes see outdated things without knowing they're outdated. This is to let you know of a few outdated things so you don't spend hours trying to replicate an old glitch you saw.


Q: I've seen previous mention of the NTG, what's that?

A: The negative time glitch. It was a method to let explorers find a legendary drop as soon as they started exploring, but is no longer possible.


Q: I've seen older screenshots of explorers with up to 50 stimpaks/RadAway, isn't the limit 25?

A: The limit is 25. There was an old glitch that no longer works that let you double how many stimpaks and RadAway you gave an explorer. There might be newer screenshots above the limit though, and this is because dwellers can sometimes find some in random quests while exploring and the limit is ignored there (the_rabidsquirel). One can also use a save editor of course to change how many an explorer has once they're out.


Q: I see a lot of mention in old threads about the NGD, what's that?

A: The National Guard Depot, a fixed time event in the wasteland occurring at roughly 60 hours out. It used to have a small chance of awarding legendary weapons and outfits, and since this was also before crafting was added to the game, everyone talked about it back then as it was the only reliable way to get legendaries. It no longer awards legendaries, and it is no longer possible to find legendary weapons and outfits in the wasteland period. Crafting and lunchboxes are your only hope, or maybe if you get lucky during quests.