Section 13: Lunchboxes - therabidsquirel/The-Fallout-Shelter-FAQ GitHub Wiki
Q: How do I get lunchboxes?
A: Like with Mr. Handy, pets, and Quantums, you can get them free from objectives and quests or by buying them from the in-game store. Unlike the others, you cannot get a lunchbox from a lunchbox, and you get one as a daily reward instead of caps on each of your seventh days logged in and playing.
Q: How do they work? Why do I get crap most of the time?
A: There are five cards in a lunchbox, where the first four (cap card, resource card, junk card, item card) always appear in random order and the last card is the rare card. The cards each have different categories they can award you something from, where each category has a certain chance, and if that category is rolled you get something random from it (like if rare weapon is rolled you get a random rare weapon). Here's the breakdown of categories:
- Cap Card:
- (common) 100 caps
- (rare) 500 caps
- Resource Card:
- (common) 50 power/food/water
- (common) 1 stimpak/RadAway
- (purple) Nuka-Cola Quantum (2-6)
- Junk Card:
- Common/rare/legendary junk
- Item Card:
- Common/rare/legendary weapon
- Common/rare/legendary outfit
- Rare Card:
- (rare) 500 caps
- Rare/legendary weapon
- Rare/legendary outfit
- Rare/legendary dweller
- Common/rare/legendary pet
- (legendary) Mr. Handy
In the rare card, the chance for 500 caps or a rare dweller are fairly high, which is why you see them a lot of the time and tend to end up with crap from your "guaranteed rare".
Q: I'm trying to get Old Longfellow and his gear, are they not in lunchboxes?
A: I don't think you can get his gear by itself, I think the only way is to get him as his gear comes with him. Before I suspected that he was limited time, but I've had confirmation well after his release from a Steam user that he can be found in lunchboxes.
Q: What legendary dwellers am I missing?
A: On mobile (version 1.22) there are 39 legendary dwellers total, all other platforms (version 1.13) have 23. See this post (TheUndeterredAstral) for what the completed VDSG for dwellers looks like in 1.22. I don't have a list for 1.13, though you can reference the dwellers that won't be there by checking out 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15 to see which ones were added by the mobile updates.