The Lost Word of Freemasonry & The Lost Phallus of Osiris - theofficialurban/public-notes GitHub Wiki

Lost Word of Masonry & Lost Phallus of Osiris

Overview of the Concepts

  • Lost Word of Freemasonry: A central symbol in Masonic ritual, representing a secret name or power lost with the murder of Hiram Abiff, the legendary architect of Solomon’s Temple. It’s sought through initiation, symbolizing hidden knowledge or enlightenment.
  • Lost Phallus of Osiris: In Egyptian myth, Osiris’s phallus is severed by Set, lost in the Nile, and consumed by fish after Isis reassembles his body (minus this part). It symbolizes the generative principle—life force or creative power.
  • Generative Principle: The phallus (Osiris) and Lost Word (Hiram) both embody a primal creative energy, often tied to the sun, intellect, or divine potency in esoteric traditions.
  • Three Fish: Ignorance (mob), superstition (church), and fear (state) are allegorical "ruffians" or obstacles consuming this principle, thwarting its recovery.

The Lost Word of Freemasonry

  1. Masonic Context:

    • Narrative: In the 3rd-degree ritual (Master Mason), Hiram Abiff is killed by three ruffians—Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum—demanding the "Master’s Word." His death leaves the Word lost, replaced by a substitute (e.g., "Mahabone," per Hall, Secret Teachings, 1928).
    • Symbolism: The Word is the "Ineffable Name" of God (e.g., IAO or YHWH, per Clymer, Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry), embodying divine wisdom or the key to creation. Its loss signifies humanity’s fall from enlightenment (Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 1873).
    • Recovery: The search for the Lost Word drives Masonic initiation, symbolizing a quest for truth beyond the profane.
  2. Generative Principle:

    • Interpretation: The Word is linked to the "generative force"—a creative potency akin to the sun’s life-giving power. Hall equates Hiram with Osiris, a "Cosmic Martyr" whose resurrection (via the Lion’s Paw grip) mirrors solar rebirth (Secret Teachings, p. 77-81).
    • Mechanics: This force manifests as intellectual light or spiritual regeneration, lost when Hiram’s knowledge is extinguished.
  3. Three Ruffians:

    • Allegory: Jubela (ignorance), Jubelo (superstition), and Jubelum (fear) kill Hiram, consuming his Word. Hall aligns them with the mob, church, and state—Caesar’s agent, Sanhedrin, and incited populace—obstructing enlightenment (Secret Teachings).
    • Role: They represent societal forces suppressing the generative principle, keeping the Word lost.

The Lost Phallus of Osiris

  1. Egyptian Myth:

    • Narrative: Osiris, god of fertility, is dismembered by Set into 14 pieces. Isis recovers all but the phallus, eaten by three fish (Oxyrhynchus, Lepidotus, Phagrus, per Plutarch, On Isis and Osiris). She crafts a substitute, and Osiris becomes ruler of the afterlife.
    • Symbolism: The phallus is the generative principle—Osiris’s fertilizing power, linked to the sun and Nile’s life cycle. Its loss reflects a disruption of creation, restored imperfectly (Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 1st century BCE).
    • Phallic Worship: Ancient cultures venerated it as a symbol of potency, represented by obelisks (Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 401).
  2. Generative Principle:

    • Interpretation: The phallus embodies the male creative force, paired with Isis’s female principle (Cteis/Yoni). Its consumption by fish symbolizes a theft of vitality, yet its substitute enables Osiris’s rebirth, paralleling solar renewal (Hall, Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians).
    • Mechanics: This principle drives life and order, disrupted by chaos (Set) and ignorance (fish).
  3. Three Fish:

    • Allegory: Posts on X and esoteric sources (e.g., @officialurbanus, 2025) identify the fish as ignorance, superstition, and fear, consuming Osiris’s phallus. Hall equates them to the church, state, and mob—enemies of the mysteries (Initiates of the Flame, 1922, p. 8).
    • Role: They devour the generative force, preventing its full restoration, akin to the ruffians’ theft of Hiram’s Word.

Relation to the Generative Principle

  1. Shared Symbolism:

    • Lost Word and Phallus: Both represent a generative principle—Hiram’s Word as intellectual/spiritual potency, Osiris’s phallus as physical/creative power. Each is tied to the sun (Hiram’s resurrection, Osiris’s solar cycle) and divine order (Metatron’s Cube, per prior input).
    • Consumption: The three fish/ruffians—ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state)—destroy this principle, symbolizing societal barriers to enlightenment or creation.
  2. Mechanism of Loss:

    • Masonic View: The ruffians’ murder of Hiram severs access to the Word, leaving a substitute. Ignorance misinterprets, superstition distorts, and fear suppresses it (Mackey).
    • Egyptian View: The fish consume Osiris’s phallus, scattering his potency. Ignorance obscures truth, superstition ritualizes it, and fear enforces control (Hall).
    • Outcome: In both, the generative force is fragmented, requiring a quest (Masonic initiation, Isis’s search) to reclaim it.
  3. Threefold Opposition:

    • Ignorance (Mob): The uninitiated masses, lacking knowledge, reject or destroy the principle—e.g., the mob incited against Hiram/Osiris (Hall).
    • Superstition (Church): Organized religion, per the mysteries, obscures truth with dogma—e.g., Sanhedrin or priests misrepresenting the phallus’s sacred role.
    • Fear (State): Authority enforces limitation—e.g., Caesar’s agents or Set’s chaos fearing Osiris’s power.
    • Synthesis: These "fish" consume the principle to maintain control, aligning with the user’s “dark occult societies” suppressing potential (prior input).

Integration with Metatron’s Cube

  • Geometric Link: Prior input ties the Lost Word/Phallus to Metatron’s Cube, with the cube solid (earth) as crystallized generative power (Saturn’s order, Sun’s light). The three fish/ruffians disrupt this crystallization, scattering the "Force" (33rd-degree secret).
  • Restoration: Recovering the Word/Phallus—destroying ignorance, superstition, fear—reassembles the Cube’s unity, awakening "true consciousness" (Order of Melchizedek).

Inferred Process

  • Loss: The generative principle (Word/Phallus) is consumed by ignorance, superstition, and fear, fragmenting divine potency.
  • Quest: Masonic initiation (Hiram’s raising) or mythic restoration (Isis’s substitute) seeks to reclaim it, overcoming the three obstacles.
  • Outcome: Enlightenment or rebirth, symbolized by the restored Word (AUM, per Hall) or phallus (obelisk), unifying spirit and matter.


Conclusion in this mode: The "Lost Word of Freemasonry" and "Lost Phallus of Osiris" both embody a generative principle—creative, intellectual, and solar—consumed by three fish/ruffians: ignorance (mob), superstition (church), and fear (state). In Masonry, Hiram’s Word is lost to societal forces thwarting wisdom; in Egypt, Osiris’s phallus is devoured, disrupting life’s potency. These allegories converge in Metatron’s Cube, where the principle’s recovery counters the triad’s suppression, aiming for a restored cosmic order and human awakening.

Biblical Crossover

Overview of Theories

  1. Lost Word of Freemasonry: A secret name/power lost with Hiram Abiff’s murder, symbolizing divine wisdom, consumed by ignorance (mob), superstition (church), and fear (state).
  2. Lost Phallus of Osiris: Osiris’s generative organ, eaten by three fish, representing creative potency disrupted by similar forces.
  3. Metatron’s Cube: A geometric figure with 13 circles containing the five Platonic solids (tetrahedron/fire, cube/earth, octahedron/air, icosahedron/water, dodecahedron/universe), tied to creation and the "Force."
  4. Platonic Elements: Fire, earth, air, and water (plus aether/universe) as fundamental building blocks, linked to the solids in Metatron’s Cube.

Fit into the Christian Bible

1. Lost Word of Freemasonry

  • Biblical Fit:

    • Symbolism: The "Lost Word" aligns with the "Name of God," a recurring biblical motif. Exodus 3:14 reveals "I AM THAT I AM" (YHWH), a sacred name veiled in mystery (Leviticus 24:16, blasphemy penalty). John 1:1 ("In the beginning was the Word") equates the Word (Logos) with Christ, suggesting a divine power lost to humanity post-Fall (Genesis 3:22-24).
    • Hiram Parallel: Hiram Abiff, though not biblical, draws from Hiram of Tyre (1 Kings 7:13-14), a craftsman for Solomon’s Temple. His murder by three ruffians echoes Cain’s slaying of Abel (Genesis 4:8), where knowledge/light is extinguished by sin.
    • Three Ruffians:
      • Ignorance (Mob): The crowd rejecting Jesus (Luke 23:21, "Crucify him!") reflects unthinking masses.
      • Superstition (Church): Pharisees’ legalism (Matthew 23:13-15) obscures truth, akin to superstition.
      • Fear (State): Pilate’s capitulation to fear (John 19:12-16) mirrors state suppression.
    • Fit Level: Strong symbolic crossover—loss of divine wisdom (Word) to sin aligns with Eden’s Fall and Christ’s crucifixion, though Hiram’s story is extra-biblical.
  • Crossovers:

    • The search for the Lost Word parallels Revelation 5:1-5, where only the Lamb (Christ) opens the sealed scroll, restoring hidden knowledge. The ruffians fit as agents of Satan (1 Peter 5:8), consuming truth.

2. Lost Phallus of Osiris

  • Biblical Fit:

    • Symbolism: The phallus as generative principle lacks a direct biblical counterpart but resonates with creation motifs. Genesis 1:28 ("Be fruitful and multiply") ties human procreation to God’s image, while the sun (Osiris) aligns with God as light (Genesis 1:3, 1 John 1:5). Its loss to fish suggests corruption of divine intent.
    • Osiris Parallel: Osiris’s dismemberment and rebirth echo Christ’s death and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). The phallus’s substitute (Isis’s craft) mirrors Christ’s restored body, though phallic imagery is absent in scripture.
    • Three Fish:
      • Ignorance (Mob): Multitudes swayed by false prophets (Matthew 24:11).
      • Superstition (Church): Corrupt priests (Malachi 2:7-8) distorting God’s law.
      • Fear (State): Herod’s slaughter of innocents (Matthew 2:16) to retain power.
    • Fit Level: Moderate—creation and resurrection themes align, but phallic symbolism clashes with biblical prudery (e.g., Leviticus 18). The fish parallel the three denials of Peter (John 18:25-27), consuming faith.
  • Crossovers:

    • The Nile’s fish evoke Jonah’s whale (Jonah 1:17), swallowing life force, with resurrection following. Revelation 12:9 (Satan as dragon) consuming creation ties to Set’s chaos.

3. Metatron’s Cube and Platonic Elements

  • Biblical Fit:

    • Metatron: Not named in the canonical Bible, but Enoch’s ascension (Genesis 5:24, "God took him") and extra-biblical transformation into Metatron (3 Enoch) suggest a scribe-like role akin to Revelation’s angel with the book (Revelation 10:1-2). His Cube as creation’s blueprint fits Genesis 1’s ordered cosmos.
    • Platonic Solids/Elements:
      • Tetrahedron/Fire: God’s presence as fire (Exodus 3:2, burning bush; Acts 2:3, tongues of fire at Pentecost).
      • Cube/Earth: Earth as God’s footstool (Isaiah 66:1); New Jerusalem as a cube (Revelation 21:16, "length, width, height equal").
      • Octahedron/Air: Breath of life (Genesis 2:7); Holy Spirit as wind (John 3:8).
      • Icosahedron/Water: Creation from waters (Genesis 1:2); baptism (Matthew 3:11).
      • Dodecahedron/Universe: God’s dominion over all (Psalm 24:1, "The earth is the Lord’s").
    • Symbolism: The Cube’s 13 circles may echo Christ and 12 disciples (Matthew 10:1-4), with solids reflecting creation’s structure (Genesis 1:6-10, separating elements). The four elements align with Ezekiel 1:10 and Revelation 4:7’s creatures (lion/fire, ox/earth, eagle/air, man/water).
    • Fit Level: Strong structurally—biblical creation and geometry converge, though Metatron and Platonic solids are extra-biblical imports.
  • Crossovers:

    • New Jerusalem’s cubic form (Revelation 21:16) mirrors Metatron’s Cube, suggesting divine order. The four creatures parallel the four books/elements (user input), unifying cosmic and biblical frameworks.

Symbolism and Crossovers

  1. Generative Principle:

    • Bible: Christ as Logos (John 1:1) and light (John 8:12) parallels the Lost Word/Phallus as creative potency. Genesis 1’s "Let there be" mirrors Metatron’s scroll of creation.
    • Crossover: The principle’s loss to three forces (ruffians/fish) fits sin’s disruption (Romans 5:12), with Christ’s resurrection restoring it (Romans 6:4).
  2. Threefold Opposition:

    • Bible: Satan, world, flesh (1 John 2:16) consuming truth align with ignorance, superstition, fear. The beast, false prophet, and dragon (Revelation 13-20) echo this triad.
    • Crossover: The fish/ruffians consuming the Word/Phallus match the mob (Acts 7:54-60, Stephen’s stoning), church (Galatians 1:6-9, false gospel), and state (Revelation 13:7, beast’s rule).
  3. Metatron’s Cube and Elements:

    • Bible: Creation’s order (Genesis 1) and New Jerusalem’s geometry (Revelation 21) reflect Platonic solids. Fire, earth, air, water appear in God’s acts (e.g., flood, Genesis 7; wind, Exodus 14:21).
    • Crossover: The Cube’s solids map to biblical cosmology—e.g., cube as Temple (1 Kings 6:20, Holy of Holies cubic). The four creatures (Ezekiel/Revelation) tie to the four books/elements (user input).
  4. Restoration:

    • Bible: Christ’s return (Revelation 19:11-16) restores the Word/light, defeating the triad (Revelation 20:10).
    • Crossover: Masonic Yeshua (2033-2034, prior input) and the Cube’s unity align with this, though Pleiadian ships diverge from scripture.

Degree of Fit

  • Lost Word: High—symbolic loss and recovery fit Eden, Christ, and Revelation, despite Hiram’s absence.
  • Lost Phallus: Moderate—creation and resurrection resonate, but phallic focus is foreign to biblical modesty.
  • Metatron’s Cube/Elements: High structurally—creation’s order and geometry align, though Metatron and Platonic solids require extra-biblical inference.
  • Overall: Theories integrate well symbolically (loss, opposition, restoration), with Metatron’s Cube enhancing elemental crossovers, but specifics (e.g., Osiris, Pleiadians) stretch beyond canonical scripture.


Conclusion in this mode: The Lost Word and Phallus fit the Bible as symbols of a generative principle (wisdom/light/life) lost to ignorance, superstition, and fear, echoing Eden’s Fall and Christ’s redemptive Word. Metatron’s Cube and Platonic elements align with biblical creation (Genesis 1), New Jerusalem (Revelation 21), and the four creatures, mapping fire, earth, air, and water to divine acts. Crossovers are robust—threefold opposition as sin, Cube as cosmic order—though Osiris’s phallus and Metatron require extra-biblical lenses, fitting best as allegorical enhancements to Christian themes.