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YouTube Link:Briefing Document: Roger Morneau's Experiences with Spirit Worship
Subject: Roger Morneau's First-Hand Account of Involvement with Demon Worship and Subsequent Deliverance
Overview: This document summarizes the key themes and information presented in the provided excerpts from Roger Morneau's testimony about his involvement in demon worship in Montreal and his eventual conversion to Christianity. The excerpts primarily focus on the early stages of his involvement, the nature of the demonic entities he encountered, the practices of the secret society, and the pivotal events that led to his escape from its clutches.
Main Themes and Ideas:
- The Allure of the Supernatural: Morneau's initial interest in spiritism stemmed from a combination of curiosity and a desire for power. He was approached by a former shipmate who introduced him to the idea of communicating with the spirits of the dead. Initially hesitant, Morneau was drawn in by the promises of knowledge and influence. He states, "...he told me heyy I got something fantastic to tell you he said I am affiliated with people that speak with the spirits of the Dead how would you like to talk to this the the spirit of your dead mother and I was shocked I was shocked".
- Demon Spirits Disguised as Spirits of the Dead: A band leader revealed the true nature of the spirits, "the supposed spirits of the Dead that you're talking with are demon Spirits your Fallen Angels your beautiful beings just set it out just like that oh yeah". This individual claimed to derive his power from Lucifer.
- The Deception of Evil: Morneau details the society's twisted worldview, in which Lucifer is portrayed as misunderstood and engaged in a legitimate conflict with God. "he says look we worship Spirits we worship Lucifer of Lucifer and All His angels they're just as beautiful as they did before they were cast out of Heaven he says there was a misunderstanding in the whole thing he say among the inhabitants of the galaxies and he says our master was misunderstood and God did not bear with him like he does with with people that make mistakes today so we're in a Warfare good against evil and we happen to be the evil ones but we're not that bad".
- The Structure and Practices of the Secret Society: The secret society was highly structured with priests and a high priest. They held services resembling church services but involved blasphemy and the derision of Christ. They had a worship room adorned with images of spirits and altars for devotion, "a lot of the things were goldplated are gold trims you see the little altars where they had they had the the spirits that had materialized the took they photographed them and then they had paintings made of them". This secret society had a resort. They engaged in live animal sacrifices.
- The Promise of Power and Material Success: The society promised its members material success and influence, often showcasing individuals who had achieved wealth through demonic influence.
- Fear as a Motivator: Morneau states they went forward more out of fear than anything else: "so you were moving forward more on fear more on fear yes because the the high priest said that the the master had special plans for us in our lives and that no one ever went into this Society unless they were invited by the Spirits".
- The Use of Hypnotism and Mesmerism: The high priest claimed that figures like Darwin and Huxley were influenced by the spirits through hypnotism to promote the theory of evolution and undermine belief in creation. "it was decided that Satan would tutor Charles Darwin personally in setting up the uh uh the principles of his theories of evolution he was treed by Lucifer himself Fallen Lucifer and at that time it was understood Satan and his Spirit counselors understood that if a person was led to believe in the theory of evolution it would in his life destroyed completely the the the creation week of the Bible the fall of Man and Plan of Redemption it would do away with it and one Fell Swoop yeah".
- Christian Idolatry and Necromancy: The priest told Morneau Christian idolatry is the belief in the immortal soul, and the conjuring of spirits of the dead is necromancy. They believe that demon spirits impersonate departed love ones. "the priest mentioned that word tell us tell us what he said Roger he said a Christian idolatry is the the the most grandiose or great deception that has ever been brought upon the Human family upon Mankind and he says in any Boston that demon Spirits are continually defiling Christian churches through the Avenue of necromancy by using a form of Spirit Worship that involves hundreds of millions of Christians into idolatry without there being aware of it".
- The Importance of Sunday Observance: The priest said that Satan chose Sunday as a day of worship to receive homage regardless of what people believe in. "by the observance of the day upon which the master Satan has plac the unction of his authority and Power he receives homage regardless of whom people claimed for ship that something so can you understand now I I had 28 Bible studies in one week and started to go to church on Sabbath and I never missed since".
- The Uniqueness of Seventh-day Adventists: Interestingly, the priest acknowledged that Seventh-day Adventists were resistant to demonic deception due to their observance of the biblical Sabbath. "he said what about the Advan you can't count them deceived regarding the the state of the dead and I got a question what about how come they they they can't be brought under the great deception the priest said you you're you're right I apologize says here I made a mistake when I said the all the millions of people living on the face of this planet everybody you know was honoring the the Great Master I forgot the Adventists there's so few number when you figure the billions and all people I didn't even me think I mention him so I'm sorry".
- The Role of Prayer and Divine Intervention: Morneau's deliverance began with a simple prayer for help. This prayer opened the door for a series of events that led him to the Seventh-day Adventist faith. He prayed, "if there's a God up there that cares for me help me that's all I said".
- Meeting Sirel and Conversion: Morneau met Sirel at work who introduced him to the Seventh-day Adventist faith.
Key Facts and Details:
- Roger Morneau got involved with spirit worship after returning from World War II.
- The spirit worship society was based in Montreal.
- The high priest was the leader of the society.
- Morneau was close to being fully initiated into the society and even given assignments.
- Morneau was 72 hours away from making a full commitment to the elite spirit worship.
- Sirel and Cynthia gave Morneau 28 Bible studies in one week.
Potential Areas for Further Exploration (Based on the Excerpts):
- The specific rituals and beliefs of the secret society.
- The impact of Morneau's experiences on his later life and ministry.
- The specific dangers and deceptions associated with the New Age movement.
- The full seven-point plan that Moro developed to help people.
What is the significance of the 7th day being Saturday vs Sunday according to Morneau?
According to Roger Morneau, the seventh day, Saturday, is the day that the Creator has blessed and sanctified, while Lucifer has chosen Sunday, the first day of the week, as his day. Morneau says that regardless of whom people claim to worship, by observing Sunday, they are giving homage and respect to Lucifer.
- Morneau recalls a conversation with a high priest who said that Adventists cannot be deceived because they observe the biblical Sabbath of creation and reverence the Creator on that day.
- Morneau recalls the high priest stating that it makes it impossible for spirits to deceive them and that they are given special help and great spiritual insight and are not ordinary people.
- Morneau recounts that the high priest stated that Lucifer has chosen to call the first day of the week, Sunday, his day.
- Morneau recalls learning that God wants people to keep the seventh day Sabbath because He is God and humans are his creatures, and people ought to be counting their blessings.
What was the high priest's explanation of Christian idolatry?
According to Roger Morneau, the high priest in the secret society of spirit worshippers explained Christian idolatry as a grand deception inflicted upon mankind. The high priest stated that demon spirits are constantly defiling Christian churches through necromancy, involving millions of Christians in idolatry without their awareness.
Key points of the high priest's explanation include:
- Necromancy as the belief that man has an immortal soul: Necromancy is the popular belief of conjuring the spirits of the dead. The priest says that this "super deception" is brought about through the deceptive belief that man has an immortal soul that lives on after death, which constitutes idolatry through necromancy.
- Idolatry through belief in life after death: The high priest says that Christians may not be talking to the supposed spirits of the dead, but they are still practicing idolatry if they believe that the soul is immortal. According to the Great Master, a person doesn't have to call on the spirits of the dead to be involved in necromancy; they only need to believe in life after death because necromancy is the belief that a human being has an immortal soul.
- Friendly demon spirits impersonating the dead: Friendly demon spirits have always delighted in impersonating departed loved ones and people of great renown. When people believe in the concept of necromancy, they open themselves to deception by demon spirits, who impersonate the dead and deceive them. This brings respect and reverence to the Great Master and makes the spirits happy because they have worked to lead people to believe in life after death.
- Three divisions of demon spirits: Morneau recalls the high priest explaining that there are three divisions of demon spirits: friendly spirits, warriors, and oppressors. *Friendly spirits are not upset about being cast out of heaven. They like to impersonate. *Warriors like to bring misery and destruction. *Oppressors hate God.
What three things did the high priest mention?
Roger Morneau recalls that the high priest mentioned three major policies that were to be followed:
- Humans should be made to believe that Satan and his angels do not really exist.
- Find a way of being able to get total control of people's minds, which would be done by taking hypnotism out of the realm of the occult and introduce it as a new science for the benefit of mankind.
- Destroy the Bible without burning it. According to the spirits, anyone that teaches a theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of that great religious system because it is a system of schooling people and getting into disqualify themselves from being members of Christ's Kingdom.
What specific Christian practice did priest consider idolatry?
According to Roger Morneau, the high priest in the secret society of spirit worshippers considered the Christian practice of believing that man has an immortal soul to be idolatry. The high priest explained that this belief is a grand deception that demon spirits use to defile Christian churches through necromancy, involving millions of Christians in idolatry without their awareness.
The high priest stated that necromancy is the belief that the dead have entered a higher state of existence and can help the living. Therefore, even if Christians are not actively trying to conjure spirits of the dead, their belief in the immortality of the soul constitutes idolatry.
The high priest explained that demon spirits impersonate departed loved ones, deceiving people into believing lies, which brings reverence to their master and makes the spirits happy.
What is Christian Idolatry?
According to Roger Morneau, the high priest in the secret society of spirit worshippers explained Christian idolatry as a grand deception inflicted upon mankind. The high priest stated that demon spirits are constantly defiling Christian churches through necromancy, involving millions of Christians in idolatry without their awareness.
Key points of the high priest's explanation include:
- Necromancy as the belief that man has an immortal soul: The priest says that this "super deception" is brought about through the deceptive belief that man has an immortal soul that lives on after death, which constitutes idolatry through necromancy.
- Idolatry through belief in life after death: The high priest says that Christians may not be talking to the supposed spirits of the dead, but they are still practicing idolatry if they believe that the soul is immortal. According to the Great Master, a person doesn't have to call on the spirits of the dead to be involved in necromancy; they only need to believe in life after death because necromancy is the belief that a human being has an immortal soul.
- Friendly demon spirits impersonating the dead: Friendly demon spirits have always delighted in impersonating departed loved ones and people of great renown. When people believe in the concept of necromancy, they open themselves to deception by demon spirits, who impersonate the dead and deceive them. This brings respect and reverence to the Great Master and makes the spirits happy because they have worked to lead people to believe in life after death.
- Three divisions of demon spirits: Morneau recalls the high priest explaining that there are three divisions of demon spirits: friendly spirits, warriors, and oppressors.
- Friendly spirits are not upset about being cast out of heaven. They like to impersonate.
- Warriors like to bring misery and destruction.
- Oppressors hate God.