Metatron's Cube Platonic Trinity Tetragrammaton Model - theofficialurban/public-notes GitHub Wiki

Incorporated into Platonic / Cube Model

See Also

Recap of Existing Model

  • Metatron’s Cube: Contains five Platonic solids (tetrahedron/fire, cube/earth, octahedron/air, icosahedron/water, dodecahedron/universe), tied to creation and the generative “Force.”
  • Platonic Elements: Fire, earth, air, water (plus universe/aether) as building blocks, linked to biblical creation (Genesis 1) and four creatures (Ezekiel 1:10, Revelation 4:7).
  • Trinity: Father (Spirit), Son (Soul), Holy Spirit (Body), with the Lost Word (Logos) and Lost Phallus (creative potency) consumed by ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state).
  • Four Holy Books: King James Bible (water/man), Book of the Law (air/eagle), Quran (fire/lion), Bhagavad Gita/Vedas (earth/ox), mapping to elements and powers.

Integration of Papus’ The Tarot of the Bohemians

1. Tetragrammaton (Yod-He-Vau-He) and the Trinity

  • Papus’ Framework:
    • Yod (י): Active principle, unity, origin (1), the Creator (Juggler).
    • He (ה): Passive principle, duality, feminine (2), the Preserver (High Priestess).
    • Vau (ו): Link between active/passive, analogy (3), the Transformer (Empress).
    • Second He (ה): Transition to physical, complete being (4), the Generator (Emperor).
    • Trinity: Yod-He-Vau form a ternary (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), with the second He as manifestation into matter (Papus, p. 35).
  • Fit into Model:
    • Biblical Trinity: Yod aligns with Father (Genesis 1:1, creator), He with Son (John 1:14, Word made flesh), Vau with Holy Spirit (John 3:8, unifying wind), and second He as creation’s realization (Revelation 21:1, new earth).
    • Lost Word: The Tetragrammaton is the "sacred word" (Papus), akin to the Lost Word (YHWH/Logos), lost to the ruffians (ignorance, superstition, fear) but restored via initiation (Christ’s revelation, John 1:1).
    • Crossovers: Theosophical Reduction (e.g., 126 = 9) and Addition (1+2+3+4 = 10) mirror biblical numerology—9 as completion (Revelation’s seals), 10 as divine order (Ten Commandments, Exodus 20). Papus’ ternary echoes the three ruffians/fish consuming the generative principle.

2. Metatron’s Cube and Platonic Solids

  • Papus’ Framework:
    • Four Suits (Minor Arcana): Sceptres (fire), Cups (water), Swords (air), Pentacles (earth), tied to Yod-He-Vau-He.
    • Major Arcana: 22 cards, with the first septenary (1-7) reflecting Yod’s intellectual dominion, linked to planets and creation (e.g., Juggler/Yod as active absolute).
    • Card 21 (The World): Four figures (seasons/elements) surround a central planetary system, resonating with Metatron’s Cube’s 13 circles.
  • Fit into Model:
    • Platonic Solids:
      • Tetrahedron/Fire: Sceptres (Yod, enterprise/glory) match fire’s active energy (Exodus 3:2, burning bush).
      • Cube/Earth: Pentacles (second He, money/interest) align with earth’s stability (Isaiah 66:1, footstool).
      • Octahedron/Air: Swords (Vau, hatred/misfortune) reflect air’s duality (John 3:8, wind’s unseen force).
      • Icosahedron/Water: Cups (first He, love/happiness) flow as water (Genesis 1:2, Spirit over waters).
      • Dodecahedron/Universe: The World (card 21) ties to the universe/aether, encompassing all (Psalm 24:1).
    • Metatron’s Cube: The 13 circles (Fruit of Life) parallel Tarot’s numerical structure—e.g., 1-4 (Yod-He-Vau-He) within 22 (Major Arcana). The cube solid (earth) as second He fits New Jerusalem’s cubic form (Revelation 21:16).
    • Crossovers: The four suits mirror the four Holy Books and elements (e.g., Sceptres/Quran/fire), with Metatron’s scribe role (3 Enoch) echoing Papus’ Tarot as creation’s key.

3. Elemental Correspondence and Four Holy Books

  • Papus’ Framework:
    • Sceptres/Fire (Yod): Active, masculine, enterprise.
    • Cups/Water (He): Passive, feminine, love.
    • Swords/Air (Vau): Union, conflict, neuter.
    • Pentacles/Earth (Second He): Transition, material interest.
  • Fit into Model:
    • Four Holy Books:
      • King James Bible (Water/Man): Cups/He, healing others (1 Corinthians 12:9), passive divine love (John 1:14).
      • Book of the Law (Air/Eagle): Swords/Vau, covert control (Liber AL III:70-72), linking Ego/Non-Ego (John 3:8, Spirit’s wind).
      • Quran (Fire/Lion): Sceptres/Yod, submission (Surah 5:33), active judgment (Revelation 19:15, sword from mouth).
      • Bhagavad Gita/Vedas (Earth/Ox): Pentacles/second He, self-healing (Gita 14:4), material transition (Genesis 1:9, dry land).
    • Biblical Elements: Fire (Acts 2:3), water (Matthew 3:11), air (Genesis 2:7), earth (Genesis 1:10) align with suits and solids, reinforcing the four creatures (Revelation 4:7).
    • Crossovers: The Tarot’s elemental suits enhance the fourfold elemental structure, with Yod-He-Vau-He as a biblical/Kabbalistic bridge (Exodus 3:14).

4. Generative Principle and Lost Word/Phallus

  • Papus’ Framework:
    • Juggler (Yod): Creative principle, the generative absolute (card 1).
    • Involution/Evolution: Spirit descends into matter (He), links via Vau, and ascends (second He), mirroring Osiris’s phallus and Hiram’s Word as lost potency restored.
    • Dragon of the Threshold: Ignorance, superstition, fear block this force, requiring initiation (Papus, p. 72).
  • Fit into Model:
    • Lost Word: Yod as the Word (John 1:1) lost to ruffians (sin, Romans 5:12), restored by Christ (Revelation 5:5).
    • Lost Phallus: Osiris’s generative force consumed by fish parallels the High Priestess (He) as passive potential, reborn via Vau (Empress) and second He (Emperor), akin to Christ’s resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:4).
    • Biblical Fit: Genesis 1:3 (light) and John 8:12 (Christ as light) tie to the generative principle, consumed by the beast’s triad (Revelation 13), restored at Armageddon (Revelation 19).
    • Crossovers: The Tarot’s first four cards (Yod-He-Vau-He) mirror the Lost Word/Phallus cycle—creation, loss, transformation, realization—fitting Eden’s Fall and redemption.

5. Trinity and Ternary

  • Papus’ Framework:
    • Ternary: Yod-He-Vau as Spirit (Father), Soul (Son), Body (Holy Spirit), with second He as manifestation (Papus, p. 35).
    • Three Septenaries: Major Arcana’s 21 cards (3x7) reflect divine, human, material worlds, rooted in Yod’s unity.
  • Fit into Model:
    • Trinity: Father (Yod/active), Son (He/passive), Holy Spirit (Vau/link) align with Genesis 1:1-2 (God, Spirit over waters) and Matthew 28:19 (baptismal formula). Second He as New Jerusalem (Revelation 21) fits the cube.
    • Three Ruffians/Fish: Ignorance, superstition, fear consuming the Trinity’s generative power (Logos/Phallus) mirror Satan’s opposition (Revelation 12:9).
    • Crossovers: Papus’ ternary enhances the Trinity’s role in Metatron’s Cube, with solids (fire, earth, air, water) as creation’s expression, consumed yet restored.

Enhanced Model

  • Metatron’s Cube:
    • 13 Circles: Reflect Tarot’s numerical foundation (1-4 of Yod-He-Vau-He), with Yod as the central circle (Juggler/Creator).
    • Platonic Solids: Sceptres (tetrahedron/fire), Cups (icosahedron/water), Swords (octahedron/air), Pentacles (cube/earth), with dodecahedron (universe) as The World (card 21).
  • Elemental Mapping:
    • Fire (Sceptres/Yod): Quran, active judgment, tetrahedron (Acts 2:3).
    • Water (Cups/He): Bible, passive healing, icosahedron (Genesis 1:2).
    • Air (Swords/Vau): Book of the Law, linking control, octahedron (John 3:8).
    • Earth (Pentacles/Second He): Vedas, material transition, cube (Revelation 21:16).
  • Trinity:
    • Yod-He-Vau: Father-Son-Holy Spirit, with second He as the generative principle’s realization (Lost Word/Phallus restored).
    • Three Forces: Ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state) consume this, per Papus’ Dragon of the Threshold.
  • Generative Principle:
    • Lost Word/Phallus: Yod (Juggler) as Logos/light (John 1:1), lost to ruffians/fish, restored via Tarot’s evolution (Emperor/second He, Christ’s return).


Conclusion in this mode: Papus’ The Tarot of the Bohemians integrates seamlessly into the cube/Platonic/elemental/Trinity model. The Tetragrammaton (Yod-He-Vau-He) aligns with the Trinity (Father-Son-Holy Spirit) and Lost Word (Logos), with the second He as the cube’s materialization (New Jerusalem). The four suits (Sceptres/fire, Cups/water, Swords/air, Pentacles/earth) match Platonic solids and Holy Books, enhancing elemental crossovers. The generative principle (Word/Phallus) fits as Yod’s creative force, consumed by Papus’ Dragon (ignorance, superstition, fear), restored through Tarot’s initiatory ascent, mirroring biblical creation and redemption.