Joshua Abraham's 33rd Degree Freemason Infiltration - theofficialurban/public-notes GitHub Wiki
Credits to Joshua Abraham (@JoshuaAbraham33)
@JoshuaAbraham33 Make sure to check out his X page. Joshua Abraham, Son of Larry Abraham, author of the novel “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, the first book to expose the Illuminati plan for the New World Order global government and one of Fritz Springmeier's disciples.
Read these books in this order for a more complete understanding of the Masonic Craft. There are no short cuts. You must read all these books front to back for a successful infiltration. This way, you will never have to take the Masonic “Oath of Light” and bind your soul to the Brotherhood on the checkered floor of the Lodge (Mathew 5:36 KJV). Masonry is a fraternity of knowledge. Now you can defeat them at their own game.
- 1611 King James Bible
- The Quran
- The Encyclopedia of Free Masonry volumes 1 & 2 - Albert Mackey
- The Monitor of the Lodge: Monitorial Instructions of the Three Degrees of Free Masonry
- The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manley P Hall
- Lectures on Ancient Philosophy - Manley P Hall
- The Lost Keys of Free Masonry - Manley P Hall
- The Secret Destiny of America - Manley P Hall
- Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike
- The Secret Doctrine volumes 1 & 2 - Helena Blavatsky
- The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley
- Masonry Beyond the Light - William Schnoebelen
- Solomons Builders - Christopher Hodapp
- The Hiram Key - Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas
- The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy - Three Initiates Centenary Edition
- 1st degree Entered Apprentice: “Boaz” (1Kings 7:21 KJV)
- 2nd degree Fellow Craft: “Jachin” (2Chronicles 3:17 KJV)
- 3rd degree Master Mason: “Tubal-Cain” (Genesis 4:22 KJV) The Secret Word of The Master Mason “Mahabone”
Isaiah 28:16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
(this is how the high degree Free Masons read/interpret the King James Bible in the high degree Masonic book/Bible studies)
- Leader of the Pleiadian humanoid aliens stationed in our solar system/Captain of the New Jerusalem mothershipJesus/Yeshua
- only son of Jehovah and second in command of the New Jerusalem mothershipAngels
- Pleiadian humanoid alien raceChariots of Fire
- UFO’s/UAP’sStar of Bethlehem
- Spaceship of The Order of the Melchizedek fleetThe New Jerusalem
- Mothership of the Pleiadian humanoid aliens stationed raceVirgin Birth
- In vitro fertilizationProphets
- People chosen by the Pleiadian humanoid aliens raceBiblical Miracles
- Advanced occult knowledge/Ancient alien technologyDemons/Fallen Angels
- Exiled Pleiadians “Anunnaki” who made an alliance with the Reptilians, Insectiods, & Grey aliens from the Orion constellationHeaven
- The New Jerusalem mothershipLucifer
- Exiled PleiadianHell/Sheol
- Sun inside the Hollow EarthGarden of Eden
- Hollow Earth/Land of AgarthaSynagogue of Satan
- global Luciferian Brotherhood of secret societies
The Order of the Melchizedek is the real Brotherhood within Free Masonry. This is made up only of the members of the Purple Honorary 33rd degree that have been shown the Four Masonic Holy Books. The belief that binds them all in a universal ambition is the belief in the awakening of the true consciousness. Some people would call this “Chi” or “Reiki” others would call it the “Brahman” or “Prana”, and there are even some, who would even call it “The Vrill”. But those Brothers of Light that are amongst us in every city here in America, they call it “The Force”.
This Royal Secret, that the Prince’s of the 32nd degree are sworn to protect, is the key to the unlocking of the true nature of ourselves. And that knowledge, is the ultimate power they don’t want you to know.
The Ancient Royal Secret lies within the Four Holy Books of 33rd degree Free Masonry. These make up the four corners of the Metatron Cube that has evolved from the Ashlar Cornerstone. For within these Four Holy Books of the Craft, lies within the Four Force Powers one may choose as an Initiate of the Flame.
The Force Powers of 33rd degree Free Masonry are as such:
King James Bible: The Book Of Man and Water; holds the power of healing others. This Spiritual Gift known as “The Power of the Apostles” and is found in 1Corinthians 12:1-11
The Book of the Law: The Book of the Eagle and Air; holds the power of controlling others without their knowledge through demonic Magick. This is found in the Third Teaching verses 70-72
The Quran: The Book of the Lion and Fire; holds the power of controlling others by the power of submission . This is found in Surah 5:33
The Bhagavad Gita & The Holy Vedas: The Book of the Ox and Earth; holds the power of healing oneself. This is found in the Fourteenth Teaching verse 4 in the Bhagavad Gita and in Artharva Veda-Kanda Ten
There are dark occult societies of the Brotherhood all over the world that don’t want us to know what we are truly capable of. They don’t want us to know that the things we suspect that are extraordinary about ourselves are in fact absolutely real. The last thing these dark people want is for us to know the truth. They know that the profane sheeple who don’t read the ancient texts, will never awaken to what they could be. And that, is the ultimate source of their power and control, our spiritual laziness. Whoever, these people that don’t want us to know the truth know that if the day comes when we seek after the knowledge, they will lose all their power. And this is why we see so many distractions to keep us away from the books.
At the Third Degree Master Master Mason level of Free Masonry, you are told about the Cornerstone. But when you are brought the honorary 33rd Purple degree of the Sovereign Grand General, you are given the true meaning of the Cornerstone that evolves into the Cube. This is the true meaning of the Masonic Ashlar stone.
Metatron is the scribe of God. He is seated to the left, behind the throne of the Lord. He is the only angel allowed to sit in the presence of God. Enoch, seventh generation from Adam, is Metatron's earthly counterpart. Enoch is mention in the bible as having lived 365 years on earth and then was brought to heaven with out dying. Additional texts found later (Enoch 1, 2 and 3) and used in Jewish mysticism and various Christian sects claim Enoch was brought through the 10 stages of heaven and turned into Metatron by the Lord. He then was given the task of recording dictation from the angel Uriel, 360 books containing all knowledge in the universe. Later, the Lord himself tells to Enoch the secrets of the creation up to the flood, which are unknown even to the angels. Metatron governs the spot of Kether, the crown, in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Above this spot is only God. Below him are 10 other archangels and he is referred to as the Supreme Angel. Enoch upon meeting God was turned into a "pillar of flame", so bright and tall is his countenance. He is said to hold the scroll of creation and is often depicted holding the sacred geometry symbol called Metatrons Cube. Metatron's Cube is a three dimensional structure in which can be found the five platonic solids. These five 3-D shapes: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron are constructed from two dimensional polygons. A polygon is a shape in which all sides and angles are equal to each other. Really the are an unlimited amount of polygons. A polyhedron is a three dimensional shape created from equal size polygons. For a polyhedron to be regular, it should have the same regular polygon as each of its sides, and each vertex (corner) should have the same number of polygons around it. One would think that there would be an unlimited amount of polyhedrons but there are only the five platonic solids. These 5 shapes were named after the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who believed each platonic solid corresponded with a classical element and that, there for, these shapes were the sacred building blocks of all matterand spirit in the universe. The correlations he saw were: tetrahedron= fire, cube = earth, octahedron = air, icosahedron = water and the dodecahedron = the universe. Metatrons cube, made up of 13 circles,can also be super imposed over the Flower of Life, another sacred geometric symbol.
Alex Jones
After speaking with a member of his immediate family, his former and current employees, and several high ranking Texas Free Masons, there is a lot that people don’t know about Alexander Emeric Jones.
- "Alex Jones" in occult Kaballah Gematria equals 33
- Alex Jones hired Molly Maroney a former analyst for the Zionist controlled C.I.A. front company "Stratfor" as Editor-In-Chief of Infowars
- Alex’s lawyer Randall Wilhite went on record saying “Alex is a showman and simply playing a character”
- Alex’s First Amendment lawyer Marc Randazza is the same lawyer that defends the Satanic Temple
- Alex & his father David Jones D.D.S. are high ranking Free Masons hence the “widows son” skull & dagger on the set of Infowars to signal to other Masons where his allegiance truly lies
- Alex Jones’s first jewish wife Kelly Nichols is the daughter of an Israeli Mossad agent
- All four of Alex's children have dual citizenship in the USA and in the Zionist apartheid state of Israel
- Infowars mandates that all their employees sign Non Disclosure Agreements silencing their employees from speaking out against Alex while claiming to be a “free speech” platform
- Greg Reese made a video about Altiyan Childs, winner of Australia’s X Factor Season 1. After his win he was initiated into the Free Masons. When he left the Brotherhood he exposed Alex as a Free Mason and controlled opposition. Greg also made a video about William Cooper who also exposed Alex as controlled opposition
- Alex Jones’s current second jewish wife Erika Wulff is a former prostitute nicknamed “Anja” who posted her adds on
- The Jones family are multimillionaires that own over 50,000 acres of land with over 300 Chevron Oil Corporation pump jacks in Freestone County TX while claiming to always need funds to stay in operation
- Alex went on record saying “I wanna go on the record and make this clear, I fully support the state of Israel"
- Show host Chase Geiser is a 32nd degree Free Mason
- Jones admitted in the Sandy Hook case, while on the stand, that Steve Pieczenik who worked for the CIA and Henry Kissinger wrote his show script claiming that the children and parents were crisis actors and that no children died.
During my Free Masonic infiltration, I was welcomed and apart of several high level Masonic Bible studies. During these Bible studies, the Masons frequently talked about “the return of Yeshua”.
During the years of 2033-2034, the Free Masons are expecting Yeshua to return on His mothership called The New Jerusalem, which they say, is currently stationed in front of the planet Venus; hence Jesus saying “I am the bright and morning star” Revelation 22:16.
Along with His return, the Masons claim Yeshua will bring with His mothership along with the Fleet of The Melchizedek of 144,000. These will be the smaller ships that follow & surround the mothership Revelation 14:1-5. Yeshua’s father Jehovah is the Captain of this mothership & is in charge of the Pleiadian humanoid DNA creation of humans in this particular solar system. There is a greater “God” that has a higher rank over Jehovah from the Pleiadian constellation according to the Free Masons.
When Yeshua returns, He will judge the Antichrist Isaiah 2:17-21, 14:16-17, 24:21-22, Daniel 7:13-14, 9:27, Joel 2:30-31, Micah 4:1-5, Mathew 24:39-31, 24:36-39, 25:31-46, Mark 13:24-27, Luke 21:25-28, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Apocalypse of Abraham 31:1-5, Apocalypse of Thomas 5:16-17, 6:7-11, 2Baruch 39:5-7, 40:1 Along with this judgement, the members of the Illuminati and who ever helped the Luciferian plan by taking the RFID money chip Mark of the Beast will be imprisoned into the Hollow Earth for 1000 years Revelation 13:7-18.
During the 1000 years peace, all the technologies suppressed by the global Illuminati will be released to the people & the loyal survivors who kept their faith & who didn’t take the RFID money chip will travel the stars and colonize other planets lead by Captain Jehovah, His son Yeshua & the Order of the Melchizedek Revelation 20:4.
After the 1000 years, the Order of the Melchizedek will return to Earth lead by Yeshua & will fight the final battle against Lucifer & all the former kings of the Earth with their legion of damned souls who took the RFID money chip Mark of the Beast on the Valley of Megiddo Revelation 20:7-10.
The Four Holy Books of 33rd Degree Freemasonry
The Four Holy Books represent the four elements of the Earth and the four angels of the Apocalypse; the Lion, Ox, Eagle, and Man: Ezekiel 1:7, Revelation 4:7
King James Bible: the book of Man/Water John 1:14 “and the Word was made Flesh”
Quran: the book of the Lion/Fire Surah 74:50-51 “As if they were alarmed donkeys fleeing from the Lion”
Bhagavad Gita & The Four Vedas: book of the Ox/Earth Tenth Teaching verse 28 “I am the thunderbolt among weapons, among cattle, the magical wish granting cow”
Book of the Law: book the Eagle/Air Third Chapter verse 51-53 “with my Hawks head I peck out the eyes of Jesus, flap my wings in the face of Muhammad, and with my claws tear out the flesh of the Indian and Buddhist”
It took me nearly a decade to successfully infiltrate the Free Masons with the help of Fritz Springmeier the author of “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”.
After I was shown the Four Holy Books of the 33rd degree of Free Masonry on December 6th 2019, I was invited to several Masonic esoteric book/Bible studies at various locations in the West Los Angeles area. From December 2019 till March of 2020, I was shown & told, along with many other high ranking Masons in these book studies, how the Free Masons will install the Antichrist and build their 3rd Temple on The Temple Mount in Jerusalem by 2030.
Every single move the Free Masons make is backed up by a Bible Prophecy from the King James Bible & the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is how they will do it:
Num. 1:
The Masons must initiate the 3rd World War. This war will start with East v.s. West that will evolve into a war between the Zionist state of Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood nations along with all their allies on both sides.
This is the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 & 39 along with Alber Pikes Masonic plan for World War 3
Num. 2
Major cities in the world will be burned by nuclear fire during the Third World War. This will install the global martial law needed to put fear into the hearts of the people & to set up the final move for the coming global government. This is the prophecy of The Apocalypse of Abraham 30:5 & The Book of 2nd Baruch 27:9 from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Also this is a prophecy of Zephaniah 3:8 in the King James Bible
Num. 3
The final move to install the Antichrist is what the Free Masons call “Operation Majority”. This will be the false alien invasion that submits the world into a global government under the control of a single ruler. This is the prophecy of 2nd Baruch 27:8 called “The Attack of the Shedim”. The word “Shedim” is an ancient Hebrew word that translates to demons. (The Masons know very well what the aliens truly are) These UAP crafts will NOT be piloted by aliens, but instead by humans from various “Black Site” bases located in Antarctica.
Num. 4
Once the Antichrist arrives, the Free Masons will fulfill their sole purpose, to build the Third Temple for the World Ruler of the New World Order. This is the prophecy of Daniel 9:21-27, 11:31-38. Once in power, the New World Order “Fourth Kingdom”, or what the WEF calls “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, will have 10 economic sectors lead by 10 rulers to resurrect the 10 kings of Atlantis to glorify the 11th king & ruler of the world. This is the prophecy of Daniel 2:40-45 & also found in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
I know I’m not popular enough to receive ANY credit once this plans comes into full fruition. Sadly it’s not about what you know but instead it’s all about how many followers you have. But during my infiltration of Free Masonry in Los Angeles that took nearly 10 years to achieve, I learned that this is the plan on how the Free Masons will fulfill their sole purpose; by installing the Antichrist and building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by 2030.
Zechariah 11:17 is the prophecy of the physical description of the coming Antichrist. So don’t let anyone tell you that the Antichrist is gonna be some corrupt politician. The Bible is very clear about it.
The Free Masonic Q Code
The Q is the 17th letter in the English alphabet. And when you add/subtract certain Bible verses, the ritual sacrifice of children is found
The Free Masonic global headquarters in London was built in 1717
To cause the social distortion before the Third World War, the Free Masons created the “Great Awakening” to expose themselves which was apart of their plan since 1871 to eventually install the Global Religion
The Qanon Christian movement and the BLM nihilistic communist movement is the Hegelian Dialectic the Free Masons created for the global society
We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without COMPASS or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same
Q Code
- Apocrypha Wisdom Of Solomon 12:5 murderers of children
- 2 kings 17:17 fire sacrifice of children
- Leviticus 20:3 sacrifice to moloch
- Psalms 106:37 sacrifice sons and daughters to devils
- Luke 17 “milestone around the neck”
- Dead sea scrolls Book of Jasher 76:31 Pharaoh took Israeli children blood to heal his wounds from the plague
- 1st Degree:
(Left Pillar of Solomon’s Temple) - 2nd Degree:
(Right Pillar of Solomon’s Temple) - 3rd Degree:
(1st Global Antichrist & ruler of Atlantis) - 33rd degree:
(name given to Enoch after his ascension into Heaven)
King James Version:
- Exodus 20:4
- Job 1:7
- Psalms 113:6
- Ezekiel 26:20, 31:16
- Zechariah 1:10-11, 4:10
- Philippians 2:9-10
- Revelation 5:3, 5:13
Dead Sea Scrolls:
- 1 Enoch 26:1-6
- Jubilee 5:6-10
Nag Hammadi Library:
- Origin of the World 114
- Book of Melchizedek 9