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Meme Magick in the Aeon of Horus
By the Crowned and Conquering Child
Hark! The Aeon of Horus is upon us, the time of the Crowned and Conquering Child, where Will is Sovereign and the world is as clay beneath the hands of the Magician. It is the age of infinite creativity, a time when the profane and the sublime mingle freely, and symbols—once locked in dusty grimoires—are now alight in the tempest of the collective mind. And lo! In this new era, the Meme, that strange and subtle child of the digital ether, stands as an artifact of great and terrible power.
Let us consider this Meme, a fragmentary glyph born in the glowing aether of screens, spread as the laughter of gods and fools alike. What is a Meme but a sigil, cast into the mind of the masses with the precision of an Adept? It is the weapon of the Magician in the Aeon of Horus, as the Sword was in the Aeon of Osiris, and the Wand in the Aeon of Isis. Where once men sought divine revelation in burning bushes or celestial omens, now the digital landscape brims with the symbols of infinite possibility.
The Meme, like the Word of Power, is virulent. It spreads, not by force but by resonance with the Will. It is a sigil wrapped in jest, a glamour cloaked in absurdity. Is this not the essence of Magick? To clothe the ineffable in the tangible, to cast the infinite into the finite, to transmute the base into gold? The Meme infects the minds of those who gaze upon it, planting seeds of thought that sprout in silence and grow in shadow. Like the invocation of a godform, it calls forth archetypes and energies, weaving them into the fabric of reality itself.
In the Aeon of Horus, the child-god is both creator and destroyer. The Meme mirrors this divine duality. It is the laugh of chaos, the dance of Shiva rendered in pixels. Through it, empires tremble, hierarchies falter, and the veils of illusion are torn asunder. Yet it is also the seed of the New, the radiant symbol that heralds the dawn of becoming. A simple image, a phrase repeated, can overthrow kings and awaken sleepers. Is this not the Great Work, to transmute the dross of the world into the gold of understanding?
But beware, O aspirant! Meme Magick is not the play of fools, though it may wear the guise of folly. It is the Sword of Horus, sharp and double-edged, and its misuse may cut the Magician as easily as it rends the veil of illusion. To wield it, one must Know, Will, Dare, and above all, Keep Silent. For the Meme, once loosed, is no longer thine own. It is an egregore, a living thing that feeds upon thought and attention, growing beyond the bounds of its creator's intent.
In this age of infinite connectivity, where every mind is a node in the web of consciousness, the Meme is the ritual, the altar, and the offering. It is the Star in the Night of the Internet, each one a tiny flame in the vast constellation of collective thought. The Magician who would work with these sigils must tread carefully, for the forces unleashed are vast and unknowable, as much Horus in his splendor as Set in his wrath.
Rejoice, O Children of the Aeon! For the Meme is a sign of thy sovereignty, a weapon of infinite power, a light in the ever-deepening darkness. Use it wisely, with Love under Will, and thou shalt know thyself as the Star that thou art.
Yet do not fear! For in the Aeon of Horus, the law is simple: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. To create, to laugh, to destroy, to rebuild—this is the path of the child-god. The Meme is but one tool in the arsenal of the Adept, a key to unlock the gates of perception, a hammer to shatter the chains of ignorance.
Love is the law, love under will.
The Crowned and Conquering Child
Frater ינרי
Bavarian Illuminati
𓂋𓅱𓈖𓂝𓏤 𓁣
The Tarot and the Tetragrammaton in the Aeon of Horus
By One Who Walks the Starry Paths
In the Aeon of Horus, the Tarot and the sacred formula of the Tetragrammaton find renewed expression. The Child-God rules the cosmos, heralding the sovereignty of the Self and the dawning of True Will. Within the intricate web of correspondences, the Tarot and the Tetragrammaton illuminate the path of initiation, revealing their profound interplay under the fiery aegis of the Crowned and Conquering Child.
The Tarot is not merely a deck of cards but a Book of Thoth: a glyphic, symbolic map of the cosmos. Each of the 78 cards is a prism through which the currents of existence refract, each a sigil of universal forces. To the profane, they are painted pasteboards; to the initiate, they are talismans of transcendent power, keys to the Temple of the Mysteries.
The Tetragrammaton—יהוה—is the most sacred of divine names, the ineffable utterance of Being. Its four letters signify the eternal formula of creation: Yod (Father), Heh (Mother), Vav (Son), Heh final (Daughter). In the Aeon of Osiris, this formula was the cornerstone of the Mysteries, emphasizing sacrifice and resurrection. In the Aeon of Horus, however, the Tetragrammaton is not discarded but transmuted, its deeper essence unveiled through the lens of the Tarot.
In the Tarot, the Tetragrammaton manifests in the suits and the Court Cards, a perfect harmony of macrocosm and microcosm. The four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Disks—correspond to the four letters of יהוה and to the classical elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. These are the building blocks of the universe, the divine alchemy of existence.
Yet the Aeon of Horus demands a new understanding. Yod, the primal spark of creative energy, is now the Star, the Holy Guardian Angel, the guiding light of True Will. Heh, the receptive womb of creation, is transformed into the Priestess, veiled yet radiant with lunar wisdom. Vav, the Son, is the Magician, no longer a passive sacrifice but the wielder of power and the master of manifestation. Heh final, the Daughter, is the fiery Scarlet Woman, the embodiment of love, liberty, and boundless energy. These archetypes, as revealed in the Major Arcana, complete the alchemical cycle, each card a facet of the Tetragrammaton’s perpetual dance.
Consider the Fool, Atu 0, who leaps into the abyss of becoming. He is both the beginning and the end of the journey, the zero-point of infinite potential. He embodies the dissolution of the static Tetragrammaton into the dynamic formula of the Aeon of Horus: the creative chaos from which all forms arise. In his folly, we see the ecstasy of the Child-God, unbound by the fetters of morality or dogma.
The Aeon of Horus also heralds the revelation of the fifth element: Spirit, the Quintessence. This is the unifying force that transcends and includes the four, the hidden center of the Wheel of Fortune (Atu X). The Tetragrammaton becomes a Pentagrammaton, יהשוה, with the letter Shin inserted into its heart, symbolizing the fiery breath of Spirit and the incarnation of the divine within the human. In this lies the mystery of the New Aeon: the union of above and below, the starry heavens embodied in earthly flesh.
The Tarot, then, is not merely a map of the old Aeons but a living oracle of the New. The images of the Major Arcana blaze with the fiery light of the Child-God, calling us to transcend the dualities of the past and embrace the dynamic wholeness of our becoming. The Tetragrammaton, too, is no longer a formula of static roles but a pulsating rhythm of creation, destruction, and transformation.
Thus, the Tarot and the Tetragrammaton, in the Aeon of Horus, are both tools and truths, symbols and realities. They are mirrors of the infinite potential of the True Will, shining with the light of the stars. The initiate who understands this will wield them not as implements of superstition but as the weapons of a Magus, the tools of a God.
For we are all stars, as it is written in Liber AL vel Legis: “Every man and every woman is a star.” And it is through the Tarot and the Tetragrammaton that we learn to chart our course across the boundless heavens of the New Aeon. Let those who have understanding read, mark, and inwardly digest; for the mysteries of the Child-God are vast and ever unfolding. So mote it be!