Faith vs. Fear as Fundamental Calls to Human Action - theofficialurban/public-notes GitHub Wiki
Faith (Love) vs. Fear (Pride & Ego)
Overview of the Concept
- Two Fundamental Drives:
- Faith out of Love: A positive force fostering self-improvement and communal good, rooted in trust and altruism.
- Fear out of Pride and Ego: A negative force driving secrecy, control, and destruction, rooted in self-preservation and arrogance.
- Claim: All human emotions (e.g., joy, anger) and actions (e.g., cooperation, betrayal) derive from either Faith or Fear, forming a binary motivational framework.
Examination of the Concept
1. Faith out of Love
- Characteristics:
- Emotion: Love as selfless connection (agape), trust in a higher power or others.
- Action: Betterment of self (growth) and others (service), e.g., charity, forgiveness.
- Outcome: Harmony, openness, creation.
- Examples:
- Joy from helping (John 15:11), courage to sacrifice (Romans 5:8), hope in adversity (Hebrews 11:1).
- Psychological Basis:
- Maslow’s hierarchy (1943): Faith/Love aligns with self-actualization and belongingness, transcending survival needs.
- Jung’s archetypes (1964): The Self or Savior, unifying opposites for wholeness.
2. Fear out of Pride and Ego
- Characteristics:
- Emotion: Fear as existential threat, pride as inflated self-importance, ego as separation.
- Action: Secrecy (hiding vulnerability), destruction (control or harm), e.g., deceit, domination.
- Outcome: Isolation, conflict, entropy.
- Examples:
- Anger from insecurity (Genesis 4:5-6, Cain), greed for power (Revelation 13:7), despair from loss (Job 3:11).
- Psychological Basis:
- Freud’s id/ego (1923): Fear-driven defense mechanisms (e.g., repression), pride as ego’s overreach.
- Adler’s inferiority complex (1929): Fearful overcompensation via superiority.
3. All Emotions and Actions as Derivatives
- Positive Emotions from Faith/Love:
- Joy = Faith in goodness (Psalm 16:11).
- Hope = Trust in future (Romans 15:13).
- Compassion = Love extended (Luke 10:33-34).
- Negative Emotions from Fear/Pride:
- Anger = Fear of loss + pride (James 4:1-2).
- Envy = Ego threatened (Genesis 37:11).
- Shame = Fear of exposure (Genesis 3:10).
- Actions:
- Cooperation (Faith/Love) vs. betrayal (Fear/Ego); creation (Genesis 1:28) vs. destruction (Revelation 9:11).
- Fit: A binary lens reducing complex motivations to two poles, consistent with dualistic frameworks (e.g., Yin-Yang, good/evil).
Integration into the Cube/Platonic/Elemental/Trinity Model
1. Metatron’s Cube
- Structure:
- Faith/Love: Central circle (Yod/Juggler) as generative light (John 1:4), radiating to 12 circles/solids, unifying creation (dodecahedron/universe).
- Fear/Pride: Three fish/ruffians (ignorance, superstition, fear) fracture this unity, consuming the generative principle (Lost Word/Phallus).
- Platonic Solids:
- Tetrahedron/Fire (Yod): Faith ignites creation (Acts 2:3); Fear burns destructively (Revelation 20:9).
- Cube/Earth (Second He): Faith builds stability (Matthew 7:24); Fear hoards in secrecy (Luke 12:16-21).
- Octahedron/Air (Vau): Faith links via wisdom (John 3:8); Fear divides via pride (James 3:16).
- Icosahedron/Water (He): Faith flows in love (John 4:14); Fear stagnates in ego (Revelation 8:10).
- Crossovers: Abraxas as Vau unifies Faith/Love (timeless archetypes) against Fear/Pride (temporal chaos), mirroring The World (card 21).
2. Platonic Elements and Four Holy Books
- Elemental Mapping:
- Fire (Sceptres/Quran): Faith inspires judgment for good (Revelation 19:15); Fear drives conquest (Isaiah 14:12-15).
- Earth (Pentacles/Vedas): Faith heals self (Genesis 1:29); Fear breeds materialism (1 Timothy 6:10).
- Air (Swords/Book of the Law): Faith links truth (Ephesians 6:17); Fear controls secretly (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
- Water (Cups/Bible): Faith heals others (John 7:38); Fear drowns in pride (Matthew 14:30).
- Crossovers: Papus’ suits reflect Faith (e.g., Cups/love) or Fear (e.g., Swords/misfortune), aligning with biblical duality (e.g., light/darkness, John 1:5).
3. Trinity and Tetragrammaton
- Faith/Love:
- Yod (Father): Active faith initiates (Genesis 1:1).
- He (Son): Passive love sacrifices (John 3:16).
- Vau (Holy Spirit): Links in unity (John 16:13).
- Second He: Manifests betterment (Revelation 21:3).
- Fear/Pride:
- Yod: Pride usurps (Isaiah 14:14, "I will be like the Most High").
- He: Fear recoils (Genesis 3:8, hiding from God).
- Vau: Ego divides (Galatians 5:20).
- Second He: Secrecy/destruction (Revelation 13:18).
- Crossovers: Papus’ Tarot (Juggler/Yod as faith, High Priestess/He as love) vs. Abraxas’s opposites (Fear/Pride as Crowley’s 666) fit biblical Trinity (1 John 4:18, "perfect love casts out fear").
4. Generative Principle (Lost Word/Phallus)
- Faith/Love:
- Restores the Word (Logos, John 1:14) and Phallus (Osiris/Christ’s resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15:4), creating life and wisdom (Genesis 1:28).
- Overcomes three fish/ruffians (Revelation 12:11, blood of the Lamb).
- Fear/Pride:
- Consumes the Word/Phallus via ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state), leading to secrecy (Revelation 17:5, mystery Babylon) and destruction (Genesis 4:8).
- Crossovers: Abraxas as Vau reconciles this, with Papus’ initiation (Tarot’s ascent) mirroring Faith’s victory over Fear (Romans 8:37).
5. Abraxas and Duality
- Video Context: Abraxas unifies opposites (good/evil), akin to Faith/Love transcending Fear/Pride.
- Fit:
- Metatron’s Cube: Abraxas at center (Vau) bridges Faith (Yod/light) and Fear (He/shadow), with solids as their expressions.
- Trinity: Faith/Love as divine unity (John 17:21) vs. Fear/Pride as satanic division (Mark 3:24).
- Crossovers: Papus’ involution/evolution reflects Faith ascending, Fear descending, with Abraxas as the pivot (Pisces transition).
Enhanced Model
- Metatron’s Cube:
- Faith/Love: 13 circles radiate generative light (Yod), solids as creation’s fruits (Genesis 1).
- Fear/Pride: Three forces fracture this, consuming solids (Revelation 13).
- Platonic Elements:
- Fire: Faith inspires (Sceptres); Fear destroys (Quran’s judgment misused).
- Earth: Faith stabilizes (Pentacles); Fear hoards (Vedas’ materialism).
- Air: Faith unites (Swords); Fear divides (Book of the Law’s secrecy).
- Water: Faith heals (Cups); Fear drowns (Bible’s pride).
- Trinity:
- Yod-He-Vau: Faith/Love as Father-Son-Holy Spirit (1 John 4:8).
- Second He: Manifests Faith’s good or Fear’s ruin (Revelation 21 vs. 20).
- Generative Principle:
- Faith restores Word/Phallus (Christ, John 1); Fear consumes via triad (Satan, Revelation 12).
Conclusion in this mode: The concept of Faith out of Love vs. Fear out of Pride fits seamlessly into the model. Faith aligns with Yod’s creative light, He’s sacrificial love, and Vau’s unifying Spirit in Metatron’s Cube, driving betterment via solids/suits (fire/earth/air/water). Fear, rooted in pride/ego, mirrors the three fish/ruffians, consuming the generative principle (Word/Phallus) into secrecy and destruction. Papus’ Tarot and Abraxas enhance this—Faith as Tarot’s ascent, Fear as its Dragon—echoing biblical duality (love vs. fear, 1 John 4:18) within the Cube’s cosmic framework.