Book of Enoch & Metatron's Cube w Triune Model - theofficialurban/public-notes GitHub Wiki
Book of Enoch & Metatron's Cube /w Triune Model
Recap of Existing Model
- Metatron’s Cube: 13 circles encoding five Platonic solids (tetrahedron/fire, cube/earth, octahedron/air, icosahedron/water, dodecahedron/universe), tied to creation and the generative "Force."
- Platonic Elements: Fire, earth, air, water (plus universe/aether), linked to four Holy Books, Tarot suits, and biblical creation (Genesis 1).
- Trinity: Father (Yod), Son (He), Holy Spirit (Vau), with second He as manifestation, aligned with Faith/Love vs. Fear/Pride.
- Generative Principle: Lost Word (Logos/YHWH) and Lost Phallus (Osiris’s potency) as creative power, consumed by ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state).
- Faith vs. Fear: Faith out of Love (betterment) vs. Fear out of Pride/Ego (secrecy/destruction) as fundamental drives.
- Papus’ Tarot/Abraxas: Yod-He-Vau-He structures creation; Abraxas unifies opposites (Vau).
Integration of The Book of Enoch
1. The Fall of the Watchers
- Enoch Context: Watchers (sons of God) descend, mate with women, produce giants, and teach forbidden knowledge (Enoch 6-8), corrupting humanity (Genesis 6:1-4).
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Watchers disrupt the Cube’s harmony—tetrahedron/fire (weapons) and cube/earth (metals) misused, fracturing the generative principle (Enoch 8:1). The 13 circles (divine order) contrast their chaos.
- Platonic Elements:
- Fire (Sceptres): Azazel’s swords (Enoch 8:1) reflect Fear/Pride igniting destruction (Revelation 9:11).
- Earth (Pentacles): Metals/precious stones (Enoch 8:1) show Fear hoarding (1 Timothy 6:10).
- Air (Swords): Forbidden knowledge (Enoch 7:1) as Fear’s secrecy (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
- Water (Cups): Giants’ corruption (Enoch 7:2) drowns Faith/Love (Genesis 6:5).
- Trinity: Watchers rebel against Yod (Father, Genesis 1:1), twisting He (Son’s image, Genesis 1:26) via Fear/Pride, with Vau (Holy Spirit) absent in their acts.
- Faith vs. Fear: Fear/Pride drives Watchers’ secrecy (hidden arts) and destruction (giants), opposing Faith/Love’s righteousness (Noah, Enoch 10:17).
- Crossovers: Papus’ "Dragon of the Threshold" (Fear) aligns with Watchers’ corruption, countered by Abraxas (Vau) unifying opposites (Enoch’s redemption).
2. Divine Judgment and the Flood
- Enoch Context: God’s judgment via flood (Enoch 10:2) cleanses Watcher-induced sin (Genesis 6:7), sparing Noah (Enoch 10:1).
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Flood restores the Cube’s order—water/icosahedron (Cups) purifies earth/cube (Pentacles), reflecting Faith/Love’s renewal (Genesis 8:11, dove).
- Platonic Elements:
- Water (Cups): Faith’s cleansing (John 4:14) vs. Fear’s flood of sin (Enoch 7:6).
- Earth (Pentacles): Reborn post-flood (Genesis 8:14), Fear’s corruption erased.
- Trinity: Yod (Father) decrees judgment (Enoch 10:4), He (Son) prefigures salvation (Noah as type of Christ, 1 Peter 3:20-21), Vau (Holy Spirit) renews (Genesis 8:1, wind).
- Faith vs. Fear: Noah’s Faith/Love (Enoch 10:1) triumphs over Fear/Pride’s destruction (Genesis 6:5).
- Crossovers: Papus’ involution/evolution (Spirit to Matter, back to Spirit) mirrors flood’s cycle, with Abraxas as time’s pivot (Pisces transition).
3. Enoch as Mediator and Prophet
- Enoch Context: Enoch ascends, intercedes, and receives cosmic visions (Enoch 14:8, 17:1), becoming Metatron (Enoch 70-71).
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Enoch’s transformation into Metatron (Lesser YHWH) ties to the Cube’s 13 circles—central Yod (Juggler) as divine scribe (Enoch 12:3), solids as creation’s blueprint (Enoch 17:4).
- Trinity: Enoch reflects Yod (Father’s call, Genesis 5:24), He (Son’s mediation, Hebrews 7:25), Vau (Holy Spirit’s revelation, Enoch 14:2).
- Faith vs. Fear: Faith/Love drives Enoch’s ascent (Enoch 1:2) vs. Fear/Pride in Watchers’ fall (Enoch 6:2).
- Crossovers: Papus’ Tarot initiation (Juggler to Emperor) parallels Enoch’s journey, with Abraxas as Vau linking human/divine (Enoch 71:14).
4. Cosmology and Angelic Hierarchy
- Enoch Context: Heavens, celestial paths, and angels (e.g., Metatron, Uriel) govern creation (Enoch 17-36).
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Solids map to Enoch’s cosmos—fire (tetrahedron, burning mountains, Enoch 17:5), earth (cube, valleys, Enoch 26:1), air (octahedron, winds, Enoch 34:1), water (icosahedron, rivers, Enoch 17:4), universe (dodecahedron, heavens, Enoch 14:11).
- Platonic Elements: Storehouses (Enoch 18:1) align with suits—fire (Sceptres), earth (Pentacles), air (Swords), water (Cups)—under Metatron’s oversight (Enoch 71:11).
- Trinity: Yod (Father) creates (Enoch 2:1), He (Son) judges (Enoch 10:12), Vau (Holy Spirit) governs via angels (Enoch 20:1).
- Crossovers: Papus’ planetary septenaries (Tarot) and Abraxas’s cosmogram (time/archetypes) echo Enoch’s celestial order (Enoch 33:1).
5. The Elect One/Messiah
- Enoch Context: A future Messiah judges and restores (Enoch 45:3, 46:1-6).
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Messiah as dodecahedron (universe) unifies solids, restoring generative light (Enoch 48:4, John 1:4).
- Trinity: Yod (Father) sends, He (Son/Messiah) reigns, Vau (Holy Spirit) empowers (Enoch 49:2, Revelation 19:11).
- Faith vs. Fear: Faith/Love heralds Messiah (Enoch 48:7) vs. Fear/Pride’s Antichrist (Revelation 13:18).
- Crossovers: Masonic Yeshua (prior input) and Papus’ The World (card 21) align with Enoch’s Elect One.
6. Azazel and Corruption
- Enoch Context: Azazel teaches sin (Enoch 9:6), blamed for all corruption (Enoch 10:8).
- Fit into Model:
- Generative Principle: Azazel’s arts (Word/Phallus) pervert creation, consumed by Fear/Pride’s triad (ignorance, superstition, fear).
- Platonic Elements: Fire (weapons), earth (metals) twisted by Fear (Enoch 8:1).
- Crossovers: Papus’ Dragon and Abraxas’s opposites (Fear/Pride vs. Faith/Love) fit Azazel’s role (Revelation 20:2).
Enhanced Model
- Metatron’s Cube:
- Faith/Love: Enoch/Metatron (Yod) radiates light, solids as creation (Enoch 2:1).
- Fear/Pride: Watchers/Azazel fracture it (Enoch 6:2).
- Platonic Elements:
- Fire (Sceptres): Faith creates (Genesis 1:3); Fear arms (Enoch 8:1).
- Earth (Pentacles): Faith restores (Enoch 10:17); Fear corrupts (Enoch 7:6).
- Air (Swords): Faith reveals (Enoch 14:2); Fear hides (Enoch 9:1).
- Water (Cups): Faith cleanses (Enoch 10:2); Fear drowns (Genesis 6:17).
- Trinity:
- Yod-He-Vau: Faith/Love as Father-Son-Holy Spirit (Enoch 1:2).
- Second He: Messiah’s kingdom (Enoch 45:3).
- Generative Principle:
- Faith: Restores Word/Phallus via Enoch/Messiah (John 1:1).
- Fear: Watchers consume it (Enoch 10:8).
Conclusion in this mode: The Book of Enoch integrates seamlessly into the model. Watchers’ Fear/Pride corrupt the generative principle (Word/Phallus), fracturing Metatron’s Cube’s solids (fire/earth/air/water), countered by Faith/Love’s flood and Messiah (Enoch/Metatron). The Trinity (Yod-He-Vau) drives this, with elements/suits reflecting Faith’s restoration vs. Fear’s destruction, aligning with Papus’ Tarot, Abraxas’s unity, and biblical narratives (Genesis 6, Revelation 19).