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Papus' Absolute Key to Occult Science


Incorporation to the Metatron's Cube / Platonic Model

Recap of Existing Model

  • Metatron’s Cube: 13 circles encoding five Platonic solids (tetrahedron/fire, cube/earth, octahedron/air, icosahedron/water, dodecahedron/universe), tied to creation and the "Force."
  • Platonic Elements: Fire, earth, air, water (plus universe/aether), linked to four Holy Books, Tarot suits, and biblical creation.
  • Trinity: Father (Yod), Son (He), Holy Spirit (Vau), with second He as manifestation, driven by Faith/Love vs. Fear/Pride.
  • Generative Principle: Lost Word (Logos/YHWH) and Lost Phallus (Osiris’s potency), restored via Faith, consumed by Fear’s triad (ignorance, superstition, fear).
  • Key Figures/Concepts: Melchizedek (eternal priest), Enoch/Metatron, Langan’s CTMU (logico-geometric reality), Abraxas (duality unity), Papus’ Tarot (Yod-He-Vau-He).

Analysis of the Frontispiece Image

  • Description:

    • A key-shaped diagram with a circular head and a shaft.
    • Circular Head: Contains a central triangle with Hebrew letters (likely YHWH or a variant), surrounded by 12 sections numbered 1-22 (Tarot Major Arcana), with symbols (e.g., bull, eagle, waves, sword) and letters (A-Z, reversed).
    • Shaft: Inscribed with "DEUS" (red), "HOMO" (white), "TORA" (blue), and other markings, suggesting a progression or key unlocking levels.
    • Label: "Absolute Key to Occult Science, Frontispiece," from Papus’ The Tarot of the Bohemians, symbolizing access to esoteric wisdom.
  • Symbolism:

    • Key Shape: Represents unlocking hidden knowledge (Lost Word), aligning with Masonic initiation and Papus’ "Key to Occult Science."
    • Triangle with Hebrew: Likely Yod-He-Vau-He (Tetragrammaton), central to Papus’ Tarot and the Trinity (Father-Son-Holy Spirit).
    • 12 Sections/22 Numbers: Mirror Tarot’s 22 Major Arcana and 12 zodiac signs, echoing Metatron’s Cube (13 circles).
    • DEUS, HOMO, TORA: Latin (God), human, and Hebrew (Law/Torah), suggesting a divine-human-cosmic link (Genesis 1:26-27, John 1:1).
    • Colors: Red (spirit/fire), white (purity/earth), blue (truth/water) hint at elemental progression (Papus’ suits).

Integration into the Model

1. Metatron’s Cube

  • Fit:
    • 13 Circles: The circular head with 12 sections + central triangle reflects Metatron’s 13-circle structure, with YHWH as Yod (center). The 22 numbers align with Tarot’s Major Arcana, paralleling the Cube’s generative blueprint (Enoch 2:1).
    • Platonic Solids:
      • Tetrahedron/Fire: Central triangle (Yod, spirit) ties to Sceptres (Papus), creation’s spark (Genesis 1:3).
      • Cube/Earth: Shaft’s base (TORA, law) links to Pentacles (second He), stability (Revelation 21:16).
      • Octahedron/Air: Sword symbol (Vau, mediation) aligns with Swords (Papus), wisdom’s flow (John 3:8).
      • Icosahedron/Water: Waves (He, passive) match Cups, life’s source (Genesis 1:2).
      • Dodecahedron/Universe: The key’s totality (DEUS, HOMO) reflects the universe solid, cosmic unity (Psalm 24:1).
  • Crossovers: Langan’s CTMU (logico-geometric) fits the key’s structure, with Enoch’s Metatron (scribe) as its keeper, unlocking Faith/Love’s truth.

2. Platonic Elements and Four Holy Books

  • Fit:
    • Fire (Sceptres/Quran): Triangle/Yod (red, spirit) as judgment’s origin (Revelation 19:15), Faith’s call.
    • Earth (Pentacles/Vedas): TORA/blue (law, stability) as Faith’s grounding (Matthew 7:24), vs. Fear’s materialism.
    • Air (Swords/Book of the Law): Sword/Vau (mediation) as Faith’s wisdom (Ephesians 6:17), vs. Fear’s secrecy.
    • Water (Cups/Bible): Waves/He (white, purity) as Faith’s healing (John 7:38), vs. Fear’s corruption.
  • Crossovers: Papus’ suits (Sceptres, Cups, Swords, Pentacles) map to the key’s symbols, with Holy Books (e.g., Bible/water) reinforcing elemental duality (Faith vs. Fear).

3. Trinity and Tetragrammaton

  • Fit:
    • Yod (Father): Triangle/YHWH as active creator (Genesis 1:1), Faith’s origin.
    • He (Son): Waves/passive (white, HOMO) as sacrificial love (John 3:16), Faith’s redemption.
    • Vau (Holy Spirit): Sword/link (Vau) as unifying Spirit (John 16:13), Faith’s bridge.
    • Second He: TORA/transition (blue) as manifestation (Revelation 21:1), Faith’s order vs. Fear’s chaos.
  • Crossovers: Papus’ Juggler (Yod) to Emperor (second He) mirrors the key’s progression, with Abraxas (Vau) unifying Faith/Love against Fear/Pride.

4. Generative Principle (Lost Word/Phallus)

  • Fit:
    • Faith/Love: The key unlocks the Lost Word (Logos, John 1:1) and Phallus (Osiris/Christ’s life, Hebrews 7:16), restoring creation (Genesis 1:28).
    • Fear/Pride: Ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state) consume it, as per the three ruffians/fish, countered by the key’s initiation (Revelation 5:5).
  • Crossovers: Enoch’s Metatron (scribe) and Melchizedek (priest) guard this principle, with Langan’s CTMU (truth) aligning with the key’s "Absolute" label.

5. Faith vs. Fear

  • Fit:
    • Faith/Love: The key represents Faith’s pursuit of truth (Langan’s quest, John 8:32), bettering self/others (Melchizedek’s blessing, Genesis 14:19).
    • Fear/Pride: Globalism/academia (Langan’s critique) and Watchers’ secrecy (Enoch 8:1) fracture the key’s order, driving destruction (Revelation 13:7).
  • Crossovers: Papus’ Tarot initiation (Faith) and Abraxas’s unity (Vau) counter Fear’s Dragon (ignorance, superstition, fear).

6. Melchizedek, Enoch, Langan, Abraxas

  • Fit:
    • Melchizedek: Priest-king (DEUS, Genesis 14:18) holds the key, embodying Faith/Love’s eternal order (Hebrews 7:3).
    • Enoch/Metatron: Scribe (TORA, Enoch 71:14) unlocks cosmic secrets, aligning with the key’s YHWH.
    • Langan: CTMU (HOMO, logico-geometric truth) fits the key’s synthesis, rejecting Fear’s oligarchy.
    • Abraxas: Duality unity (Vau, cosmogram) reflects the key’s transition (Pisces, 365).
  • Crossovers: The key’s 12/22 structure ties to Tarot’s planets/zodiac (Papus), with Melchizedek’s 144,000 (Revelation 14:1) as its cosmic extension.

Enhanced Model

  • Metatron’s Cube:
    • Faith/Love: Key’s triangle/Yod (YHWH) as central truth, solids as creation (Genesis 1).
    • Fear/Pride: Three forces fracture it (Enoch 6).
  • Platonic Elements:
    • Fire (Sceptres): Faith’s spirit (triangle/red, Acts 2:3).
    • Earth (Pentacles): Faith’s law (TORA/blue, Revelation 21).
    • Air (Swords): Faith’s link (sword, John 3:8).
    • Water (Cups): Faith’s life (waves/white, John 4:14).
  • Trinity:
    • Yod-He-Vau: Key’s YHWH as Father-Son-Holy Spirit (John 1:1).
    • Second He: TORA as manifestation (Revelation 21).
  • Generative Principle:
    • Faith: Restores Word/Phallus via key (John 1).
    • Fear: Consumed by triad (Revelation 13).


Conclusion in this mode: The frontispiece from Papus’ The Tarot of the Bohemians integrates as the "Absolute Key to Occult Science," aligning with Metatron’s Cube (YHWH/Yod as center, 12/22 structure), unlocking the generative principle (Lost Word/Phallus) via Faith/Love. Its elements (fire/earth/air/water) map to Tarot suits and Holy Books, with the Trinity (Yod-He-Vau-He) and Melchizedek/Enoch/Langan/Abraxas enhancing its truth-seeking role, countering Fear/Pride’s corruption (Watchers, globalism) in a logico-geometric framework.

The Relationship Between 3 4 7 21

Recap of Existing Model

  • Metatron’s Cube: 13 circles encoding five Platonic solids (tetrahedron/fire, cube/earth, octahedron/air, icosahedron/water, dodecahedron/universe), tied to creation and the "Force."
  • Platonic Elements: Fire, earth, air, water (plus universe/aether), linked to four Holy Books, Tarot suits, and biblical creation.
  • Trinity: Father (Yod), Son (He), Holy Spirit (Vau), with second He as manifestation, driven by Faith/Love vs. Fear/Pride.
  • Generative Principle: Lost Word (Logos/YHWH) and Lost Phallus (Osiris’s potency), restored via Faith, consumed by Fear’s triad (ignorance, superstition, fear).
  • Key Frameworks: Papus’ Tarot (Yod-He-Vau-He), Abraxas (duality unity), Langan’s CTMU (logico-geometric reality), Melchizedek (eternal priest), Book of Enoch (Metatron, Watchers).

Analysis of the Numbers 3, 4, 7, 21

1. Numerical Relationships

  • Mathematical Connections:
    • 3 and 4: 3 + 4 = 7 (direct sum).
    • 3, 4, and 7: 3 × 4 = 12, and 12 + 7 = 19 (not directly 21, but sequential).
    • 7 and 21: 7 × 3 = 21 (direct multiplication).
    • 3 and 21: 3 × 7 = 21 (linking factor).
  • Theosophical Reduction (Papus):
    • 3 = 3, 4 = 4, 7 = 7, 21 = 2 + 1 = 3 (returns to 3).
  • Theosophical Addition (Papus):
    • 3: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
    • 4: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.
    • 7: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28.
    • 21: 1 + 2 + … + 21 = 231.
    • Reduced: 6 = 6, 10 = 1, 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1, 231 = 2 + 3 + 1 = 6 (links 3 and 21 via 6).

2. Symbolic and Structural Relationships

3 (Trinity, Ternary, Opposites)

  • Model Context:
    • Trinity: 3 as Yod-He-Vau (Father-Son-Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19), central to Papus’ ternary law (Papus, p. 35).
    • Three Ruffians/Fish: Ignorance, superstition, fear consuming the generative principle (Lost Word/Phallus, prior input).
    • Abraxas: The number 3 governs cosmic structure (good/evil opposites, Pisces transition, prior video).
    • Biblical: Three denials (John 18:25-27), three crosses (Luke 23:33).
  • Relation: 3 is foundational, linking to the Trinity’s structure and the triad opposing Faith/Love (Fear/Pride).

4 (Tetragrammaton, Elements, Manifestation)

  • Model Context:
    • Tetragrammaton: 4 letters (Yod-He-Vau-He), with second He as manifestation (Papus, frontispiece key).
    • Four Elements: Fire, earth, air, water (Sceptres, Pentacles, Swords, Cups), tied to four Holy Books (prior input).
    • Biblical: Four creatures (Revelation 4:7), four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
    • Enoch: Four seasons (prior input), four angels (Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, Enoch 9:1).
  • Relation: 4 extends 3 into material reality, grounding the Trinity in creation (Genesis 1).

7 (Septenaries, Planets, Perfection)

  • Model Context:
    • Papus’ Tarot: Three septenaries (3 × 7 = 21 Major Arcana), first septenary (1-7) as Yod’s intellectual realm (Papus, prior input).
    • Abraxas: 7 letters (numerological 365), tied to time/Pisces (prior video).
    • Biblical: 7 days of creation (Genesis 2:2), 7 seals (Revelation 5:1), 7 spirits of God (Revelation 4:5).
    • Enoch: 7 mountains (Enoch 17:5), 7 portions of learning (prior input).
  • Relation: 7 (3 + 4) bridges 3 (divine) and 4 (material), symbolizing perfection and cosmic cycles.

21 (Completion, Cosmic Unity)

  • Model Context:
    • Papus’ Tarot: 21 Major Arcana (3 × 7), with card 21 (The World) as universal completion, containing four elemental figures (prior input).
    • Metatron’s Cube: 21 relates to the Cube’s 13 + 8 vertices (cube solid), reflecting cosmic order (Revelation 21:16, New Jerusalem).
    • Biblical: 21 as 3 × 7, completion of divine judgment (Revelation 15:1, 7 plagues).
  • Relation: 21 (3 × 7) unifies 3 (Trinity) and 7 (cycles), manifesting as cosmic harmony (Faith/Love’s triumph).

3. Integration into the Model

Metatron’s Cube

  • 3: Triangle/YHWH (frontispiece key), three ruffians/fish, three solids (tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron) before manifestation (cube).
  • 4: Four solids (excluding dodecahedron), four suits/elements, four Holy Books.
  • 7: 7 planets in The World (card 21, Papus), 7 mountains (Enoch), 7 letters of Abraxas.
  • 21: Total Major Arcana (3 × 7), cosmic unity (dodecahedron), New Jerusalem (Revelation 21).
  • Relation: 3 (core structure) + 4 (elements) = 7 (cycles), scaling to 21 (completion), reflecting the Cube’s generative blueprint.

Platonic Elements

  • 3: Three primary elements (fire, air, water) before earth’s manifestation, three forces consuming the generative principle.
  • 4: Four elements (fire/earth/air/water), four suits, four creatures (Revelation 4:7).
  • 7: 7 planets influencing elements (Papus), 7 cycles of creation (Genesis).
  • 21: Four elements unified in The World (card 21), cosmic harmony (Psalm 24:1).
  • Relation: 3 (principles) manifest as 4 (elements), cycle through 7 (planets), and complete in 21 (universe).

Trinity and Tetragrammaton

  • 3: Yod-He-Vau (Father-Son-Holy Spirit, Papus’ ternary).
  • 4: Yod-He-Vau-He (second He as manifestation, Papus).
  • 7: First septenary (cards 1-7, Yod’s intellect, Papus), 7 spirits (Revelation 4:5).
  • 21: Completion of 3 septenaries (3 × 7), second He’s eternal order (Revelation 21).
  • Relation: 3 (Trinity) extends to 4 (Tetragrammaton), cycles through 7 (divine order), completes in 21 (new creation).

Generative Principle (Lost Word/Phallus)

  • 3: Three forces (ruffians/fish) consume it (Faith vs. Fear).
  • 4: Fourfold restoration via Holy Books/elements (Melchizedek’s "Force").
  • 7: 7 stages of initiation (Enoch’s heavens, Papus’ septenary).
  • 21: Full restoration (The World, card 21; Revelation 5:5).
  • Relation: 3 (loss), 4 (elements), 7 (cycles), 21 (restoration) trace Faith/Love’s triumph.

Faith vs. Fear

  • 3: Fear/Pride’s triad (ignorance, superstition, fear).
  • 4: Faith/Love’s elements (four suits, Holy Books).
  • 7: Faith’s cycles (7 days, 7 seals), Fear’s corruption (Watchers, Enoch).
  • 21: Faith’s victory (Revelation 21), Fear’s defeat (Revelation 20).
  • Relation: 3 (Fear’s opposition), 4 (Faith’s tools), 7 (Faith’s process), 21 (Faith’s goal).

Melchizedek, Enoch, Langan, Abraxas

  • 3: Melchizedek’s Trinity mediation (Hebrews 7:25), Enoch’s three sins (Enoch 6), Abraxas’s three (prior video).
  • 4: Melchizedek’s fourfold "Force" (Holy Books), Enoch’s four angels (Enoch 9:1).
  • 7: Enoch’s 7 heavens (Enoch 14), Langan’s 7 (meta-causation cycles), Abraxas’s 7 letters.
  • 21: Melchizedek’s cosmic order (Revelation 21), Langan’s CTMU unity (Revelation 21).
  • Relation: 3 (divine structure), 4 (manifestation), 7 (cycles), 21 (completion).

How 3, 4, 7, 21 Relate

  • Structural Progression:
    • 3 (Trinity, ternary) as the divine principle.
    • 4 (Tetragrammaton, elements) as manifestation.
    • 7 (septenaries, cycles) as process.
    • 21 (3 × 7) as completion.
  • Symbolic Unity:
    • 3 + 4 = 7: Divine (3) manifests (4) into cycles (7).
    • 3 × 7 = 21: Trinity (3) completes through cycles (7) into cosmic unity (21).
  • Model Fit:
    • 3 (Yod-He-Vau, ruffians) sets the foundation.
    • 4 (elements, second He) grounds it.
    • 7 (septenaries, planets) cycles it.
    • 21 (The World, New Jerusalem) fulfills it.


Conclusion in this mode: The numbers 3, 4, 7, and 21 relate as a progressive framework within the model: 3 (Trinity, ternary) initiates, 4 (elements, Tetragrammaton) manifests, 7 (cycles, septenaries) processes, and 21 (cosmic unity, The World) completes. They trace the generative principle’s journey—lost to Fear/Pride’s triad (3), restored via Faith/Love’s elements (4), cycled through divine order (7), and fulfilled in cosmic harmony (21)—unifying Metatron’s Cube, Tarot, Melchizedek, Enoch, Langan, and Abraxas in a logico-geometric ascent (Genesis 1 to Revelation 21).