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Here is a briefing document about the "ABRAXAS" video, drawing upon the provided sources and our conversation history:
Briefing Document: "ABRAXAS" Video
The YouTube video "A B R A X A S" explores the spirit Abraxas and its links to Gnostic thought, Carl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, and Aleister Crowley. The video also makes connections to the Tarot, time, and duality.
Key Concepts and Connections
- Abraxas as a Spirit of Transition: Abraxas is portrayed as a hybrid entity, embodying the space between distinct categories. This representation aligns with the idea of Abraxas as a spirit of transition, symbolizing mixture at the boundary between different realms.
- Abraxas and Janus: The comparison between Abraxas and Janus, the Roman god of thresholds, highlights the theme of duality and unity. Like Janus, who has two faces, Abraxas embodies a unity that exists within or above the dualistic nature of reality.
- Abraxas and Time: Abraxas is associated with time. The numerological value of his name (7 letters adding up to 365) connects him to the days of the year and the zodiacal sign of Pisces, which marks the transition between the old and new cycles.
- Abraxas and Opposites: Jung's view of Abraxas encompassing opposites suggests a reconciliation of conflicting forces. The constellation Pisces, which is an image of Abraxas, rules the crossing point between the old cycle and the new.
- Abraxas and the Cosmogram: A cosmogram with Abraxas at its center depicts the timeless world of archetypes and physical reality. This cosmogram illustrates Abraxas's role as the time god, positioned between the timeless and temporal realms.
- Abraxas, Good and Evil, and the Number Three: The video mentions that a realistic view of the structure of the cosmos requires recognition of the role that the number three plays in it.
- Connections with Aleister Crowley: The video draws parallels between the experiences of the video's creator and Aleister Crowley, including the reception of information from a superhuman intelligence and connections to the number 666. The bird-headed god Horus from Crowley's work is compared to the bird-headed Abraxas.
Connections to Tarot and Kabbalah
While the video does not explicitly delve into the Tarot or Kabbalah, several implicit connections can be made based on our previous discussions:
- Yod-He-Vau-He: Though not directly mentioned in the video, the concept of Abraxas embodying unity within duality resonates with the Kabbalistic idea of Yod-He-Vau-He, which represents the divine name and the interconnectedness of all things.
- Major Arcana: The themes of transition, duality, and the reconciliation of opposites found in the video align with the symbolic nature of the Major Arcana, which represent different aspects of life and spiritual development.
- Planets: Although not explicitly mentioned, the video's association of Abraxas with time and astrological signs hints at a connection to the planets, which you previously noted are linked to the Major Arcana in the astronomical Tarot.
Potential Areas for Further Exploration
- Gnostic Texts: Investigating primary Gnostic texts that mention Abraxas could provide further insights into the spirit's origins and significance.
- Jungian Psychology: Exploring Jung's writings on archetypes and the collective unconscious could shed light on the psychological dimensions of Abraxas as a symbol.
- Steiner's Philosophy: Further research into Steiner's philosophy and his views on Lucifer and Ahriman could provide a deeper understanding of the cosmic forces at play in the video's narrative.
- Crowley's Thelema: Examining Crowley's system of Thelema and its emphasis on individual will and spiritual liberation could offer a framework for interpreting the video's message.
Fit Into Model
Recap of Existing Model
- Metatron’s Cube: 13 circles encoding five Platonic solids (tetrahedron/fire, cube/earth, octahedron/air, icosahedron/water, dodecahedron/universe), tied to creation and the "Force."
- Platonic Elements: Fire, earth, air, water (plus universe/aether), linked to four Holy Books, Tarot suits (Sceptres/fire, Cups/water, Swords/air, Pentacles/earth), and biblical creation (Genesis 1).
- Trinity: Father (Yod), Son (He), Holy Spirit (Vau), with second He as manifestation, consumed by ignorance (mob), superstition (church), fear (state).
- Generative Principle: Lost Word (Logos/YHWH) and Lost Phallus (Osiris’s potency) as creative power, restored via initiation.
- Papus’ Tarot: Yod-He-Vau-He (Tetragrammaton) structures the Major Arcana (e.g., Juggler/Yod, Emperor/second He) and Minor Arcana suits, reflecting elemental and Trinitarian laws.
Integration of "ABRAXAS" Video
1. Abraxas as a Spirit of Transition
- Video Context: Abraxas embodies the boundary between realms, a hybrid unifying duality.
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Abraxas as a transitional figure aligns with the Cube’s dodecahedron (universe), encompassing all elements and solids, bridging timeless archetypes and physical reality (video’s cosmogram). Metatron, the scribe, parallels Abraxas’s role as a cosmic mediator.
- Trinity: Yod-He-Vau’s ternary (Father-Son-Holy Spirit) reflects Abraxas’s unity of opposites, with second He as the transition to matter (Papus). Abraxas fits as Vau (link), reconciling active (Yod/Father) and passive (He/Son) into a generative whole (Genesis 1:2-3, Spirit and light).
- Generative Principle: Abraxas’s hybrid nature echoes the Lost Word/Phallus—creative potency fragmented by the three fish/ruffians (ignorance, superstition, fear), restored via gnosis (John 1:1, Logos).
- Crossovers: Papus’ "Dragon of the Threshold" (ignorance, superstition, fear) mirrors the video’s Abraxas overcoming duality, akin to Christ’s victory over sin (Revelation 19:11-16).
2. Abraxas and Janus (Duality and Unity)
- Video Context: Janus’s two faces parallel Abraxas’s reconciliation of opposites.
- Fit into Model:
- Platonic Elements: Duality (e.g., fire/water, air/earth) within the Cube’s solids is unified by the dodecahedron, reflecting Abraxas/Janus as a cosmic threshold. Tarot suits (Sceptres vs. Cups, Swords vs. Pentacles) embody this tension, resolved in The World (card 21).
- Trinity: Yod (active) and He (passive) unite via Vau (Holy Spirit), with second He manifesting the reconciled creation (Revelation 21:1). Abraxas as Janus fits Vau’s role, bridging divine and human (John 14:16, Comforter).
- Lost Word/Phallus: The Word’s loss to ruffians and Phallus’s consumption by fish represent duality’s fracture, restored by Abraxas’s unity (Christ as Logos, John 8:12).
- Crossovers: Papus’ ternary (Yod-He-Vau) and The Emperor (second He) as transition echo Janus/Abraxas, unifying opposites like New Jerusalem’s cubic harmony (Revelation 21:16).
3. Abraxas and Time
- Video Context: Abraxas’s name (7 letters, 365 numerological value) ties to time, Pisces, and cyclic transitions.
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: 13 circles (akin to 12 zodiac + 1 center) and solids reflect time’s structure—e.g., tetrahedron (fire) as creation’s spark (Genesis 1:3), cube (earth) as its crystallization (Revelation 21). Abraxas as "time god" aligns with Saturn’s hexagonal order (prior input).
- Platonic Elements: Egyptian four seasons (three months each, plus five Epagomenes) and Tarot’s planetary links (7 planets in card 21) match Abraxas’s 7/365 symbolism, with Pisces (water/icosahedron) as a biblical flood transition (Genesis 7).
- Trinity: Yod initiates time (Genesis 1:1), He sustains it (John 1:3), Vau links past-future (Revelation 1:8, Alpha-Omega), and second He manifests eternity (Revelation 10:6, no more time).
- Crossovers: Papus’ Major Arcana (e.g., Chariot/Zain, conquest over time) and planetary septenaries (3x7=21) tie Abraxas to biblical time cycles (Daniel 9:24-27, 70 weeks).
4. Abraxas and Opposites
- Video Context: Jung’s Abraxas reconciles good/evil, with Pisces as a crossing point.
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Solids embody opposites (fire/earth, air/water), unified in the dodecahedron, mirroring Abraxas’s synthesis. The Cube’s center (13th circle) as Yod/Juggler reflects this unity (Genesis 1:31, "very good").
- Trinity: Father (good/Yod), Son (redemption/He), Holy Spirit (balance/Vau) overcome evil (Revelation 20:10), with second He as restored creation. Abraxas fits Vau’s neuter role (Papus).
- Generative Principle: Lost Word/Phallus, split by good/evil (Genesis 3:15, enmity), is reconciled by Abraxas, akin to Christ’s triumph (Colossians 1:20).
- Crossovers: Papus’ involution/evolution (Spirit to Matter, back to Spirit) parallels Abraxas’s Pisces, with Tarot suits (e.g., Swords/Vau as conflict) resolving in The World.
5. Abraxas and the Cosmogram
- Video Context: Abraxas at the cosmogram’s center bridges timeless archetypes and physical reality.
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: 13 circles as archetypes (timeless) and solids as reality (temporal) mirror the cosmogram, with the cube (earth/second He) grounding divine light (prior Sun-Saturn duality).
- Platonic Elements: Fire (Yod), water (He), air (Vau), earth (second He) span the cosmogram, with dodecahedron as the universal frame (Psalm 24:1).
- Trinity: Father (Yod/timeless), Son (He/incarnate), Holy Spirit (Vau/link) manifest via second He (Revelation 21), with Abraxas as Vau’s mediator.
- Crossovers: Papus’ Tarot as initiation tool (Juggler to Emperor) reflects the cosmogram’s ascent, akin to Metatron’s scribe role.
6. Abraxas, Good/Evil, and the Number Three
- Video Context: The cosmos requires the number three, tied to Abraxas’s trinitarian role.
- Fit into Model:
- Trinity: Yod-He-Vau as Father-Son-Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) match Abraxas’s three-part synthesis, with second He as outcome (biblical quaternary).
- Three Ruffians/Fish: Ignorance, superstition, fear consuming the generative principle (Lost Word/Phallus) align with Satan-world-flesh (1 John 2:16), overcome by Abraxas/Trinity (Revelation 12:11).
- Platonic Elements: Three solids (tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron) plus cube (earth) reflect this trinity, unified in dodecahedron.
- Crossovers: Papus’ three septenaries (Major Arcana) and ternary law reinforce Abraxas’s triadic role, mirroring biblical threes (e.g., Peter’s denials, John 18:25-27).
7. Aleister Crowley Connection
- Video Context: Crowley’s Horus (bird-headed) parallels Abraxas, with 666 and superhuman intelligence links.
- Fit into Model:
- Metatron’s Cube: Horus as solar (tetrahedron/fire) ties to the Cube’s generative light (Sun, prior input), with Abraxas as its cosmic overseer.
- Trinity: Crowley’s Thelemic will (Yod) contrasts biblical submission (He), unified by Vau (Holy Spirit), with 666 as Antichrist (Revelation 13:18) challenging second He’s order.
- Generative Principle: Horus’s potency (phallus-like) and Crowley’s Lost Word (INRI/IAO) fit the model, consumed by the triad but reclaimed via gnosis.
- Crossovers: Papus’ Tarot (Book of the Law/air/Swords) and Crowley’s Thoth deck align with Abraxas’s duality, enhancing the elemental/Trinitarian framework.
Enhanced Model
- Metatron’s Cube:
- 13 Circles: Abraxas/Yod (Juggler) at center, with solids as time’s elements (Tarot suits).
- Solids: Fire (Sceptres/Horus), earth (Pentacles/Saturn), air (Swords/Crowley), water (Cups/Jung), universe (Abraxas/The World).
- Platonic Elements:
- Fire (Yod): Quran/Crowley, creation (Genesis 1:3).
- Earth (Second He): Vedas/Saturn, manifestation (Revelation 21).
- Air (Vau): Book of the Law/Jung, link (John 3:8).
- Water (He): Bible/Steiner, life (Genesis 1:2).
- Trinity:
- Yod-He-Vau: Father-Son-Holy Spirit, with Abraxas as Vau’s unifier (John 16:13).
- Second He: Cubic order (New Jerusalem), challenged by 666 triad.
- Generative Principle:
- Lost Word/Phallus: Abraxas as Logos/light (John 1:1), consumed by three forces, restored via Tarot/gnosis (Revelation 5:5).
Conclusion in this mode: The "ABRAXAS" video integrates seamlessly into the cube/Platonic/elemental/Trinity model. Abraxas as a transitional spirit fits Vau (Holy Spirit) in the Tetragrammaton/Trinity, unifying opposites (Yod-He) within Metatron’s Cube’s solids and suits (fire/earth/air/water). His time role (365/Pisces) enhances the Cube’s cosmic order, while Jung, Steiner, and Crowley deepen the generative principle’s loss (Word/Phallus) and restoration, aligning with Papus’ Tarot and biblical creation/redemption narratives.