V1297 Bug Reports - themeldingwars/Documentation GitHub Wiki

The following is the information contained in client-based bug reports. Bugs were entered into a system named Rainmaker which had its own server. It was managed by:

  • Joshua Harris (JHarris) <Senior Engineer/Programmer>
  • Jason Smith (JSmith)
- Title <string>
- Zone <string>
- ZoneOwner <string>
- ClientVersion <string>
- BuildNumber <unsigned interger>
- ClientMachine <string>
- UserName <string>
- Position <float .4> <float .4> <float .4>
- Velocity <float .4> <float .4> <float .4>
- Pitch/Yaw <float .4> <float .4>
- Aim Position <float .4> <float .4> <float .4>
- Aim Direction <float .4> <float .4> <float .4>
- Ability Index <decimal>

The following can also be included in bug reports but is either not user facing, optional, or hidden.

- ProjectId (This is used for sorting - brings number of BugReports with it)
- MilestoneId (This is used for sorting - brings number of BugReports with it)

- TypeId (Type of bug entered as integer)
- IsSuggestion (Checkbox provided to user, may not be a noolean but most likely is)
- Screenshot (Screenshots were at some point forced and not user facing, unsure which this is)
- ConsoleLog (Entire ConsoleLog was dumped with the report)
- AssignedUser
- VersionFoundIn (What client version bug was reported on)
- Description (Description of bug entered by user)
- EnvironmentFoundId (The Id of the environment the bug was originaly reported on)
- CubeFace
- WorldChunkPositionX
- WorldChunkPositionY
- WorldChunkPositionZ
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