Item Flags - themeldingwars/Documentation GitHub Wiki

Static Flags

2^0:  is_tradable,
2^1:  is_mailable,
2^2:  hidden,
2^3:  unk_0x08, // ?
2^4:  resource,
2^5:  no_persist,
2^6:  cached,
2^7:  is_permanent,
2^8:  unk_0x100, // maybe "is_consumable" or "is_deletable"
2^9:  unk_0x200, // Crystite (sdb_id 10) is the only item with this set
2^10: unk_0x400, // maybe developer only or something
2^11: unk_0x800, // maybe deprecated / unobtainable or broken
2^12: unk_0x1000, // maybe "is_stackable"
2^13: unlimited,
2^14: is_salvageable,
2^15: is_fancy_named,
2^16: is_pvp,
2^17: unk_0x20000, // mostly pvp/regulation gear?

Dynamic Flags

2^0: is_bound
2^1: unk_0x02
2^2: is_equipped