Algorithm Falsy Bouncer - thelastmile/FreeCodeCamp GitHub Wiki
Algorithm Factorialize A Number
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:checkered_flag: Problem Explanation:
Remove all falsy values from an array.
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:speech_balloon: Hint: 1
Falsy is something which evaluates to FALSE. There are only six falsy values in JavaScript: undefined, null, NaN, 0, "" (empty string), and false of course.
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:speech_balloon: Hint: 2
We need to make sure we have all the falsy values to compare, we can know it, maybe with a function with all the falsy values...
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:speech_balloon: Hint: 3
Then we need to add a filter()
with the falsy values function...
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Spoiler Alert!
Solution ahead!
:rotating_light: Advanced Code Solution:
function bouncer(arr) {
return arr.filter(Boolean);
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Code Explanation:
The Array.prototype.filter
method expects a function that returns a Boolean
value which takes a single argument and returns true
for truthy value or false
for falsy value. Hence we pass the built-in Boolean
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:trophy: Credits:
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Thanks @renelis @abhisekp @Rafase282 for your help with Algorithm: Falsy Bouncer
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