SLO, SLA, SLI - theartusz/config GitHub Wiki

SLOs are about time

So what does 99% availability mean? - It's not 1% of error ratio (percentage of failed http responses), but instead the percentage of time over a predefined period the service has been available.

  • SLAs: Service Level Agreement What service you commit to provide to users, with possible penalties if you are not able to meet it. Example: "99.5%" availability. Keyword: contract

  • SLOs: Service Level Objective What you have internally set as a target, driving your measuring threshold (for example, on dashboards and alerting). In general, it should be stricter than your SLA. Example: "99.9%" availability (the so called "three 9s"). Keyword: thresholds

  • SLIs: Service Level Indicators What you actually measure, to assertain whether your SLOs are on/off-target. Example: error ratios, latency Keyword: metrics