CMS - thePFLy/Advenci GitHub Wiki

Intro to dynamic content

many blog page with dynamic content -> content added or imported to a database.

Webflow CMS

Data structure is very straightforward, well build from the bottom up


The field let us capture or input content - whether we're doing this one by one / import csv etc


All items are all grouped together into a collection (top level container)

  • Collection (eg: Team Member) -
  • Item - Item - Item -
  • Field - Field - Field -
  • Field - Field - Field -
  • Field - Field - Field -

To setup collection CMS we change diff elements

Collection list

Collection List: Let us drop collection content anywhere. They give us access to anything from a collection.

Basic layout

Drag and drop collection.


Can field the element to a specific collection. U can bind dynamic content to static elements

Collection list settings

Let us add filter/sort order.

Collection Page

Design one collection page, and your other collection items will follow suit.
Collection list or collection pages can be designed in any way to fit your brand If we build a collection page for one collection item ? Content automatically populates for every other item in the collection. Made collection - Blog collection - we filled with content. When we make a collection, a collection page is autmatically created. Link theses collection page from elsewhere in our project.

Modify a collection

Collection settings

Collection - settings order our fields,...

Individual items

Select a specific item - modify - save

Multiple item

Select multiple item at once

Import/export CMS content

I need to change sth on collections. one by one is hard -> CSV. So we can export collection to CSV and open it. Export to CSV -> Import -> Updating. we can skip items

CMS editor

owner login (https://yourdomain/?edit) - access - can controll collaborators, Collaborators can access to collections, modify collection, create blog post (draft if wanted).

CMS collection Fields

Plain text field**: short-form text to use or style in a project. Not an HTML element just sample text

Rhich text field: For long form content. How do we have a rhich Text Element in our project to get the rhich text content from our collection ? Drag rhich Element and we get the rhich text content from our collection.

Image Field

With this field, you can upload images from your computer and use them as dynamic items in your individual Collection item.

Video Field

Can paste any link to a Youtube video: select item video made

Email Field

Can be user in elements that accept links. Link settings - choose Get email from collection and seelct Email from the collection. Can add condition (e.g: If is the author has an email listed)

Link Field

Can get url from Team members if set

Phone Field

  1. Select any element that lets you set a link
  2. Under the link settings, choose Phone Number
  3. Get the Phone number from the Phone field created

Or can use any text element and bind it to the text from the Phone Field.

Number Field

when the input is meant to be a numeric value.

Date/Time Field

Specify dates and time on Fields. Can capture the date and time, use this content for display or filtering and sorting items in Collection lists

Switch Field

Option Field overview

list predefined values to choose from.

Color Field

Color for each collection (set with hex)

Reference/multi-reference Field

reference fields from items in another collection Multi-reference Fields let us pick multiple items. Editor: sites owners can change content and publish.

Advanced Dynamic Content

unique design for Collection

Filter Collection lists

Limit item on collection listt. Featured (on/off).