Troubleshooting - the-future-of-benchmarking/proof-of-concept GitHub Wiki
Error - Zugriff auf geeignete Ethereum Erweiterung (wie z.B. MetaMask) fehlgeschlagen. Bitte installieren sie MetaMask
Please proceed to
Error - Select an account
This means, Metamask is locked and/or unable to reach the configured provider. Please take the following steps:
- On the Metamask popup, unlock your vault
- Ensure Ganache is running
- Ensure you have selected the correct account
- Refresh the webpage
- Ensure that the account you are using is stating "connected" in Metamask (if it looks like the below image, click on
Not connected
and connect the account)
Error - Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?
This indicates, that the contract could not be found on the current chain. Ensure, that you are on the correct chain and that the chain was not resetted in the mean time.
A contract was created, but it does not show in the "Gespeicherte Smart Contracts" Tab.
This may be the case on public networks, where the latency until the contract is deployed is high. Please remain on the contract page until both a Metamask notification and a notification on the page trigger.
If all of this does not help, please open an issue at this repo for further assistance.