Running Iteration 02&03 - the-future-of-benchmarking/proof-of-concept GitHub Wiki

Using/Hosting the app (developer mode)

Although this setup is not "one-click" there is no easier possibility to both create a local blockchain and import it into a Web3 extension like MetaMask

Please refer to Troubleshooting in case errors occur.




Development environment

The developer used Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 as the development environment, combined with Visual Studio Code The used distribution was Ubuntu 20.04.


Compiling the contract (in case something has changed)

Run npm install or yarn install and then npx truffle compile in the contract directory. In case you are running windows copy the contracts like this: cp -r build/contracts ../client/src For running on bash compatible OS'es (i.E. Mac or Linux-derivatives) use the ./ script in the contracts folder

Setting up Ganache/Metamask

Please refer to the page at

Start Web Frontend

Run npm run start or yarn start => The webapp now runs under http://localhost:3000/

Start local "participation simulation" script

Iteration 02

The script that has to be used is located in /contract/index_class.ts

To run it, on ganache, leave the truffle-config.json at its defaults.

Otherwise please adjust the settings in this block:

networks: {
        development: {
            host: "", <== Insert the address of your node here
            port: 7545, <== Insert the RPC!! Port of your node here
            network_id: 5777, <== Insert network id here
            gas: 4698712, <== Use the default values of the network or remove the attribute
            gasPrice: 25000000000, <== Use the default values of the network or remove the attribute
            networkCheckTimeout: 5000,

Create a contract via the web interface and copy its address. Insert the address at line 19 await instance.startFromAddress("[HERE]")

Run the script via npx ts-node index_class.ts. If all goes well, one error message ala revert: Already participated ath the end should be visible. This is expected. Change to the webconsole and check if the notifications are coming in on the side. These are events triggered, when the transactions of the script are processed on the blockchain.

Iteration 03

The script that has to be used is located in /contract/index.ts

To run it, on ganache, leave the truffle-config.json at its defaults.

Otherwise please adjust the settings in this block:

networks: {
        development: {
            host: "", <== Insert the address of your node here
            port: 7545, <== Insert the RPC!! Port of your node here
            network_id: 5777, <== Insert network id here
            gas: 4698712, <== Use the default values of the network or remove the attribute
            gasPrice: 25000000000, <== Use the default values of the network or remove the attribute
            networkCheckTimeout: 5000,

Create a contract via the web interface and copy its address. Insert the address at line 27 and line 42 const instance = new BenchmarkClient(web3, "[HERE]", account)

Run the script via npx ts-node index.ts. Change to the webapp and check if the notifications are coming in on the side. These are events triggered, when the transactions of the script are processed on the blockchain.

Hosted versions

Refer to

The described local approach is the tested one. Using hosted versions is beyond the tested procedures for this app.
Use at your own risk.