Hosted Iterations - the-future-of-benchmarking/proof-of-concept GitHub Wiki
With the help of Github's Pages feature, the respective iterations could be hosted on a github owned domain. The corresponding repositories with the build output are located here:
- Iteration 2 -
- Iteration 3 -
Their respective host locations are here:
- Iteration 2 -
- Iteration 3 -
Using a local blockchain hosted via Ganache is not possible, as Ganache runs on http and not https (Github Pages enforces HTTPS hosting).
Thus this version is not tested by the developer.
Please use at your own risk.
Hosted contracts
Iteration 02 has a hosted variant on 0x92f25612A232de2fD5248D1aF9828bd076c4C09A
Etherscan on Ropsten Test Network. Use the to access the contract and enter the address into the "Gespeicherte Smart-Contracts" form.
Please beware, that one needs rETH to interact with the smart contracts. Retrieving rETH through the different faucets may be a challenging task, as they do not function that well.
Iteration 03 unfortunately does not have a hosted version, due to lack of further rETH to deploy.
Running the iterations locally
Please refer to