About the Iterations - the-future-of-benchmarking/proof-of-concept GitHub Wiki

For the capstone project the "Design Science Research"(DSRS) methodology was used. As there are different models, how DSRS may be used, the group settled in accordance with our examiners on the model of Peffers et al.:

Peffers, K./Tuunanen, T./Rothenberger, M. A./Chatterjee, S. (2007): A Design Science Research Methodology for Information Systems Research. In:Journal of Management Information Systems24.3, S. 45–77.

They propose the following process:

This process may be iterative, as shown. Applied to the work done in this repository, the following iteration structure results, with the key technologies written beneath:

As shown the 3rd iteration is the final one, but code has been written for each and every iteration in varying degrees. The code is stored in this repository as a "monorepo". The file structure is described in https://github.com/the-future-of-benchmarking/proof-of-concept/wiki/Folder-Structure.

The code for iteration 01 and 04 is neither complete nor runnable in a functional way, as the iterations were aborted when key problems showed up. The problems/mismatching objectives of the iterations will be described in the "Integrationsseminar" paper.

The code that was written is present nevertheless, to allow researchers and interested developers to work on the approaches presented. To allow this, a permissive license, the MIT license was chosen: https://github.com/the-future-of-benchmarking/proof-of-concept/blob/main/LICENSE. This allows interested open source developers to work on the code without having to worry about copyright issues and frees us original authors from any liability in regards to this code.