BC visual commands - tetris245/ULTRAbc GitHub Wiki

Several commands are related to visual aspects of the game.

Colorchanger command

  • /colorchanger (option) to generate an animation with color changing on a part of any character. Only one target can be active at a time.

    You will have 5 seconds to click on target and select area. If you are successful, the animation will start, otherwise you need to retry.

    Available options are:

    • custom or set or select for the areas of your choice (maximum 10)
    • eyes
    • hair
    • reset or stop to stop the animation - note: the color does not back to its default value.

Item commands

  • /itemcolor1 (colorcode) (target) to change the color of all current bindings. The color code must be in the format #000000.

  • /itemcolor2 (colorcode) to change the global item color for the worn item in a slot selected by mouse click.

    The color code must be in the format #000000 and you have 5 seconds to click on yourself and select a slot with a worn item.

    If you are successful, the item color will be changed, otherwise you need to retry.

  • /itempriority (priority) to change the global item priority for the worn item in a slot selected by mouse click.

    The priority must be a number between -99 and 99 and you have 5 seconds to click on yourself and select a slot with a worn item.

    If you are successful, the item priority will be changed, otherwise you need to retry.

Layer commands

  • /layerset1 (layernumber) (colorcode) to change a layer color for the worn item in the Item Slot previously saved by using /layershow1.

    The layernumber needs to be one of the numbers displayed with /layershow1, or -1 if you want to change the color of all layers at the same time.

    The color code must be in the format #000000.

  • /layerset2 (layernumber) (priority) to change a layer priority for the worn item in the Item Slot previously saved by using /layershow2.

    The layernumber needs to be one of the numbers displayed with /layershow2.

    The priority must be a number between -99 and 99.

  • /layershow1 to get layer color info about worn item in a slot selected by mouse click + save the selected Item Slot.

    You have 5 seconds to click on yourself and select a slot with a worn item.

    If you are successful, info about layer colors are displayed and the Item Slot is saved, otherwise you need to retry.

    In case of modular items, only info about the currently used layers according your settings will be provided.

  • /layershow2 to get layer priority info about worn item in a slot selected by mouse click + save the selected Item Slot.

    You have 5 seconds to click on yourself and select a slot with a worn item.

    If you are successful, info about layer priorities are displayed and the Item Slot is saved, otherwise you need to retry.

    In case of modular items, only info about the currently used layers according your settings will be provided.

Pose2 command

  • /pose2 (posehere) (target) to change the pose of any player

    This command is also used for a series of poses with the exercise option. Some poses can be used only on yourself.

    Availables poses are:

    • armsfree, belly, boxtied, cuffed, elbowtied, kneel1, kneel2, legsclosed, legsopen
    • pet, spreadarms1, spreadarms2, spreadeagle1, spreadeagle2, spreadlegs, stand, suspension, tapedhands
    • Only on yourself: exercise, jump, roof


    • Use /pose2 reset (target) to go back to neutral pose - if it fails on yourself when FBC/WCDE ie enabled, use /pose baseupper
    • To leave the roof pose, use first /pose2 jump, then /pose2 reset (or /pose baseupper if FBC/WCE is enabled)

Visual commands

  • /blur (blurlevel) to force a specific global blur level, without need to be blindfolded

    Blurlevel is a number between 0 and 4:

    • 0 no forced blur effect - 1 light blur effect - 2 normal blur effect - 3 heavy blur effect - 4 total blur effect

    Note that all will be blurred, also your own character!

  • /see (visionmode) (blurlevel) to force a specified vision mode and optionally a blur effect level, no matter you have items that make you blind or not, or your settings for the blur effect.

    Visionmode is a number between 0 and 3:

    • 0 normal vision - 1 light blindness - 2 normal blindness - 3 heavy blindness

    Blurlevel is a number between 0 and 4:

    • 0 no blur effect - 1 light blur effect - 2 normal blur effect - 3 heavy blur effect - 4 total blur effect


    • a full relog is requested to leave this forced vision mode +

    • this command can trigger a BCX warning. Just ignore it (close the breaking message)!

  • /trsee (visor) (deafening module) (chin strap) to change the settings of a worn Techno Helmet, even when you are bound

    Available visors:

    0 No visor - 1 transparent - 2 light tinted - 3 heavy tinted - 4 opaque - 5 hypnotic

    Available deafening modules:

    0 no module - 1 light - 2 heavy - 3 noise-cancelling

    Available options for chin strap:

    0 No chin strap - 1 chin strap

  • /vrsee (background) (mode) (game) to change the settings of a worn VR Headset, even when you are bound

    Available backgrounds:

    0 No background - 1 Virtual World - 2 Dungeon - 3 High-Tech - 4 Ancient Ruins - 5 Trance

    Available modes:

    0 Passthrough - 1 VR off - 2 VR on - 3 VR on + Hide restraints

    Available games:

    0 No game - 1 Kinky Dungeon