BC misc commands - tetris245/ULTRAbc GitHub Wiki

Help commands

  • /uhelp (category) to display the list of ULTRAbc commands.

    Available categories: bondage, character, chat, clothing, escape, extra, fun, kd, misc, pleasure, settings, talking, visual, zones. These categories correspond to the concerned pages of this wiki.


    • Many commands require parameters. When used without any parameter, they will give you info about their using.

      Special case: To know how to use the /kd command (access to Kinky Dungeon), you need to use /uhelp kd.

    • To display the standard BC commands and ULTRAbc commands in alphabetic order, use /help

      Commands from other add-ons can also be displayed in this list.

  • /uroom to display infos about UBC users and Uwall protection in current room

  • /ustatus to display current status of main UBC settings - see BC settings commands.

    Note: for the status of Moaner settings, you need to use /moaner status - see BC fun commands.

Log commands

Two commands are related to log in/out:

  • /login (accountname) (password) to log in another account corresponding to another character
  • /relog to relog in the current room

Ulist commands

  • /ulistadd (membernumber) to add a player to the list allowing to bypass Uwall

  • /ulistremove (membernumber) to remove a player from the list allowing to bypass Uwall

  • /ulistshow to display the list of players allowed to bypass Uwall

Unrestrict command

The unrestrict command is the most powerful ULTRAbc command. Its main goal is to make possible what is normally impossible, it gives you a goddess power. It exists also in a limited version (recommended to submissives).

To quit the unrestrict mode, you need to make a page refresh or a complete log out/in (as when you leave the club and log in again). If you use the relog command, you will stay in this special mode.

  • /unrestrict soft is the limited version for submissives (but can also be used by dommes).

    Effects of the /unrestrict soft command:

    • all hidden items are added in your inventory
    • when blindfolded, you still can use the examine feature, except if you have selected the Total sensory deprivation setting.
    • special items such as suitcase, wooden maid tray, wooden paddle can be used on yourself - using on another player is only possible if this player also uses ULTRAbc in unrestrict mode
    • in the map rooms, you get general scrolling everywhere in the map, also through the walls, trees, etc.


    • the only item that can't be used, even in unrestrict mode, is the Sleeping Pill - however, it is partially usable with the /sleep command - see BC fun commands
    • On request from BC main coder, and because some developers act like the BC 'asset' police, a feature removing conditions (except those related to gender) to use assets is no more included since version 2.5
  • /unrestrict total is the full version for dommes (especially the switches).

    Besides the /unrestrict soft effects, it allows to be domme and submissive at the same time, so you can act like an unbound person while being bound, and there are so many possibilities: change the item settings, bind other players, remove your bindings, etc...

    Note: this command can trigger a BCX warning. Just ignore it (close the breaking message) and enjoy your goddess powers!