BC chat commands - tetris245/ULTRAbc GitHub Wiki

Several commands give extra features in the chat room.

Action commands

  • /bio (target) to have direct access to the profile description of any player in the chat room

  • /erase to erase the chat.

  • /frlist (lobby) to have access to friendlist inside a chat room, with clickable links during 15 seconds.

    You need to specify the lobby for which you want to have clickable links - the options are the same as for the search command: asylum, fclub, mclub, xclub

    Note: it's also a way to leave the current room, even if it is locked or your bondage prevents this action!

  • /search (lobby) to open room search when you are in a chat room.

    You must specify the lobby (asylum, fclub, mclub, xclub).

    You have 15 seconds to enter a new room, otherwise the search screen will disappear and you will go back to the current chat room.

Layout commands

  • /font (new font) (size) to change font type and size used in BC.

    The parameters are specified by a number. Size is optional.

    Supported fonts: 0 Arial - 1 Times New Roman - 2 Papyrus - 3 Comic Sans - 4 Impact - 5 Helvetica Neue - 6 Verdana - 7 Century Gothic - 8 Georgia - 9 Courrier New - 10 Copperplate

    Sizes: 0 Small - 1 Medium - 2 Large

  • /theme (number) to change chat color theme. Number must be between 0 and 3.

    0 and 2 are light color themes, 1 and 3 are dark color themes.

Map commands

  • /mapfog to enable/disable fog in current map room

    Note: No visible effect if you have used the /mapfull command to enable full vision and hearing in mapped rooms

  • /mapfull to toggle full vision and hearing in mapped rooms


    • When enabled, this feature also removes the fog.

    • When disabled, this feature will also display the fog back, when you don't have disabled it with the /mapfog command.

    • This feature is automatically disabled if you relog.

    • if you want to get a general scrolling everywhere in the map, also through the walls, trees, etc, you need to use the /unrestrict command - see BC misc commands

  • /mapkeys to have all keys for current map room

  • /maproom to give infos about location of players in current mapped chat room

    It also determines if the UBC users are active in the map when a room is hybrid

    In all cases, it also gives info about UBC using and Uwall status

  • /maptrap to toggle traps when you 'walk' on devices in map rooms (current available traps: Bondage Bench, Kennel, Locker, X-Cross)


    • these traps don't remove locked chastity items or locked toys in private zones

    • they will not add toys under locked chastity except if you have enabled the 'magictoys' mode with the /uset magictoys commmand - see BC settings commands.

  • /mapx (y-position) to change your X coordinate in the map

    The x-position is a number between 0 and 39, but avoid a number corresponding to a place where you can't move (black tile for example)

  • /mapy (y-position) to change your Y coordinate in the map

    The y-position is a number between 0 and 39, but avoid a number corresponding to a place where you can't move (black tile for example)

  • /mapz (target) to give coordinates in the map for specified target (yourself when not specified)