BC character commands - tetris245/ULTRAbc GitHub Wiki

Difficulty commands

  • /difficulty (number) to change the game difficulty while bypassing the screen asking for confirmation. The number must be between 0 and 3:

    0 = roleplay - 1 = regular - 2 = hardcore - 3 = extreme

    The change is direct and automatic, even when a rule normally prevents it. It can happen you need to repeat the procedure during 7 days after relogging.

  • /permission (number) to change your item permission. The number must be between 0 and 5:

    • 0 Everyone, no exceptions - 1 Everyone, except blacklist - 2 Owner, Lover, whitelist & Dominants
    • 3 Owner, Lover and whitelist only - 4 Owner and Lover only - 5 Owner only

Inventory command

  • /resetinventory to remove from your inventory all the clothes and items that are not provided when playing the first time.

    A warning is included, you need to confirm with /resetinventory yes

Role commands

Two commands are related to the roles you want to play or quit in the Bondage Club, the changes can be checked in your profile:

  • /roleplay (rolehere) to start a role

    Available roles are:

    • clubmistress, clubslave, doctor, escapedpatient, headmaid, kidnapper, maid, magician, magus, masterkidnapper
    • mistress, nurse, oracle, patient, permanentpatient, sage, sorcerer, warlock, witch, wizard

    Be careful with the clubslave role, you will be forced to complete the club slave contract. Similar remark for escaped patient!

  • /rolequit (role or clubarea here) to cease playing a role

    Available options are:

    • asylum to cease being doctor, nurse, patient or permanent patient
    • clubslave to break the club slave contract
    • ggts to leave ggts training (back to level 0)
    • kidnapper to cease being kidnapper or master kidnapper
    • magician to cease one of the 8 magic roles
    • management or mistress to cease being mistress or club mistress
    • sorority or maid to cease being maid or headmaid

Stats commands

Several commands allow to increase your stats in the game, the changes can be checked in your profile:

  • /maxstatistics to get max statistics, especially for your skills and reputation.

    However, some things need to be changed manually - see the roles commands

  • /reputation (reputation) (level) to change the level of a specified reputation

    Available reputations: abdl, amplector, corporis, dominant, gambling, gaming, kidnap, larp, maid, maiestas, nurse, patient, submissive, vincula.

    Level must be between 0 and 100.

  • /skill (skill) (level) to change the level of a specified skill

    Available skills: bondage, dressage, evasion, infiltration, lockpicking, selfbondage, willpower.

    Level must be between 0 and 10.

Title commands

  • /title1 to choose a new title (from A to K) without using the title menu. The change can be checked in your profile.

    This command also changes required parameters to get the specified title

    Available titles:

    • admiral, agent, alien, angel, baby, bondagebaby, bondagemaid, brat, bunny, captain, clubslave

    • coldbloodhorse, collegestudent, concubus, demon, diaperlover, doctor, doll, drone, duchess, duke, escapedpatient

    • farmhorse, femboy, flyingpegasus, foal, foxy, goodboy, goodone, goodgirl, goodslave, goodslaveboy

    • goodslavegirl, headmaid, hotbloodhorse, houdini, incubus, infiltrator, kidnapper, kitten

  • /title2 to choose a new title (from L to Z) without using the title menu. The change can be checked in your profile.

    This command also changes required parameters to get the specified title._

    Available titles:

    • ladyluck, liege, littleone, lordfortune, magician, magus, maid, majesticalicorn, majesty, master, masterkidnapper

    • missy, mistree, mistress, mole, nawashi, nurse, operative, oracle, patient, patron, permanentpatient, pet

    • prince, princess, puppy, sage, shiningunicorn, sissy, sorcerer, succubus, superhero, superheroine

    • superspy, switch, tomboy, warlock, warmbloodhorse, wildmustang, witch, wizard