BC bondage commands - tetris245/ULTRAbc GitHub Wiki

Several commands are related to bondage:

Simple commands

  • /pet (target) to become a fully restrained pet.

    The type of pet and bondage is random, but with more options and any player as target, by comparison with the BC minigame.

    The default message can be replaced by a custom message - see the /message command in BC misc commands.

  • /randomize (target) to put the specified player in random bondage, after having randomly changed underwear and clothes.

    It is actually the combination of several commands: /restrain (see below), /naked, /underwear and /clothes (see BC clothing commands).

    The default message can be replaced by a custom message - see the /message command in BC misc commands.

  • /restrain (target) to put the specified player in random bondage without changing the clothes

    The default message can be replaced by a custom message - see the /message command in BC misc commands.

  • /solidity (value) (target) to change the solidity of most current bindings on specified player.

    The value must be between 1 and 99. When low values will make escape more easy, high values will make it impossible!

    Note: this command does not change the solidity of some modular items whose the difficulty is actually the sum of hardcoded values for each module.

  • /spin (target) to allow access to target's wheel of fortune, even when not displayed

    If the target does not have a wheel of fortune, a message will inform you.

    Tip: If only MBS wheels interest you, it is recommended to first use the /mbsroom command - see BC extra commands

You can also use

  • the several options of the /outfit command, which always include the restraints - see BC clothing commands
  • the extra buttons in wardrobe and the /lock command (see below)

Extra buttons in wardrobe

4 extra buttons in the wardrobe give easy access to options previously available as commands

When used in the wardrobe of another player, the target must be an UBC user without the Uwall protection enabled or allowed to be bypassed, otherwise these buttons will not work.

  • Export button to get the code corresponding to an outfit, including the restraints (click on the button, then leave the wardrobe, you will find the code in the chat and you can copy it in a file and/or the clipboard.


    • The Export button can be used only when you come from a chat room
    • This code is compatible with the BCG tool, used by Chinese BC users.
  • 3 Import buttons to apply this code to yourself or another player (click on the button, then copy the code in the prompt, press 'Ok', then leave the wardrobe)

    • Import1 = only clothing + restraints

    • Import2 = clothing + restraints + cosplay items correponding to HairAccessory1, HairAccessory2, TailStraps and Wings

    • Import3 = full import including body changes (Eyes, Hair, Mouth, etc.)

    The import is not allowed to a locked slot (it implies you need first to remove the locks if you want a more complete import - see /unlock command in BC escape commands)

    Worn collar, harness, chastity, toys are removed only if they are replaced by the import operation.

    The items with several options are always imported in their default state, you need to manually change the settings.


  • If you don't have direct access to the wardrobe, use the /wrobe (target) command. See BC clothing commands
  • BCX and FBC options inside the wardrobe are without any effect on ULTRAbc export/import.
  • ULTRAbc export/import does not handle the keys, you can use the /lock command (see below)
  • If the outfit code begins with JTVC, it's only for ULTRAbc and BCG. When it begins with Nobw, it's only for BCX, FBC, LSCG and MBS.

Hint command

  • /hint (target) (hint)

This command allows to add or change a hint for all current locks with password on the specified target.

Itemcolor1 command

  • /itemcolor1 (colorcode) (target)

This command allows to change the color of all current bindings. The color code must be in the format #000000.

More specific commmands related to color and priority and limited to the player can be found in BC visual commands.

Lock command

This command allows to add locks on all lockable items for yourself or another player. The lock type is specified by a number between 1 and 20. Specifying the target is mandatory.

It will not change the lock on already locked items. It will not work on another player for lover locks if you are not lover or owner of the specified player. It will not work on another player for owner locks if you are not owner of the specified player.

The default message can be replaced by a custom message - see the /message command in BC misc commands.

The syntax is different according the used lock, as all concerned parameters (except the hint for locks with password) can be defined.

  • /lock (target) (locktype) for these 10 locks:

    • 1 Metal - 2 Exclusive - 3 Intricate - 4 High Security - 5 Pandora - 6 Mistress - 7 Lover - 8 Owner
    • 17 Best Friend (*) - 19 Family

    (*) This lock requires BCTweaks - see https://github.com/agicitag/BCTweaks

  • /lock (target) (locktype) (r) for this lock: 9 Five Minutes

    The r parameter can be used to allow automatic removal of the item when the lock timer runs out.

  • /lock (target) (locktype) (code/ptcode) for these locks: 10 Combination - 20 Portal Link

    The code must be between 0 and 9999.

    The portalcode must include 8 characters, using only 0-9 and a-f.

  • /lock (target) (locktype) (password) (r) for these locks: 11 Safeword - 12 Password

    The password must use only standard characters from the English alphabet. Its length is limited to 8 characters.

    The r parameter can be used to allow automatic removal of the item when the correct password is entered.

  • /lock (target) (locktype) (minutes) (h) (i) (r) for these locks:

    13 Mistress Timer - 14 Lover Timer - 15 Owner Timer - 18 Best Friend Timer (*)

    (*) This lock requires BCTweaks - see https://github.com/agicitag/BCTweaks

    The maximum time is

    • 240 minutes (= 4 hours) for the Mistress Timer lock
    • 10080 minutes (= 7 days) for the Lover Timer, Owner Timer and Best Friend Timer locks

    The h parameter can be used to hide the time remaining or being added.

    The i parameter can be used to enable random input of time from everyone else.

    The r parameter can be used to allow automatic removal of the item when the lock timer runs out.

  • /lock (target) (locktype) (password) (minutes) (h) (i) (r) for this lock: 16 Timer Password

    The password must use only standard characters from the English alphabet. Its length is limited to 8 characters.

    The maximum time is 240 minutes (= 4 hours).

    The h parameter can be used to hide the time remaining or being added.

    The i parameter can be used to enable random input of time from everyone else.

    The r parameter can be used to allow automatic removal of the item when the correct password is entered or the lock timer runs out.

Note for the lock types 13 to 16 + 18:

It is very important to respect the order of the parameters as indicated above. If you need to 'skip' the optional 'h' and/or 'i' parameters, just use another character than 'h' or 'i'.

Example for the lock type 16 with parameter 'r', but without the parameters 'h' and 'i':

/lock Nemesea 16 test 120 b b r