Discord TOS and self tokens - terminal-discord/weechat-discord GitHub Wiki

Weechat Discord is a custom client for Discord, makes use of the undocumented "user"/"client" is essentially a self-bot.
While this client does not abuse the api, it is still a violation of the TOS.

Discord does not support custom clients or use of user tokens and considers them a violation of the TOS. Individuals have been banned for both.

Use at your own risk, using this program could get your account or ip disabled, banned, etc.


  • The developer of cordless (another 3rd party client) has had his account banned for using a 3rd party client
  • Other individuals have reported being banned for using other custom clients (including cordless)
    • I have not had any reports of anyone being banned for using this project, but it is very possible Discord could start banning users at any time.