Server Plugins SyncSchedule - techtalk/SpecLog-Resources GitHub Wiki
The synchronization schedule can be configured in speclog.server.exe.config
<section name="pluginSynchronizationSettings" type="TechTalk.SpecLog.Server.PluginSynchronizationSettingsSection, SpecLog.Server" />
<!-- Optional: configures plugin synchronization schedule & batch size; default: '5:1:30:100' -->
<!-- the values are: <idle wait time>:<success wait time>:<failure wait time>:<batch size> (sec:sec:sec:int) -->
<pluginSynchronizationSettings default="5:1:30:100">
<!-- special settings for TFS synchronization plugins -->
<add key="TechTalk.TFSSync" value="60:15:300:100" />
The individual parameters govern how long the plugin waits (in seconds), until checking again for new updates and trying to synchronize pending changes:
idle wait time
: when there were no new updates found previously -
success wait time
: when updates have been applied successfully previously -
failure wait time
: when there were updates, but the synchronization failed for some reason (e.g. target server is temporarily not reachable) -
batch size
: The maximum number of commands that are requested from the server in one synchronization round. Consecutive updates received for a single requirement within a single batch are squashed down to a single update when synchronized to the target system.
You can configure a default synchronization schedule, and a specific schedule for each individual synchronization plugin. For example, the following element adds a specific schedule for the TechTalk.TFSSync
<add key="TechTalk.TFSSync" value="60:15:300:100" />