New in version 1.15 - techtalk/SpecLog-Resources GitHub Wiki
Version 1.15.16, released on June 19th 2015
Version 1.15.3, released on May 21st 2015
New features:
- Improvements to the JIRA synchronization plugin (SpecLog.JiraPlugin.V2) include the ability to synchronise changes made in JIRA with Speclog and to create SpecLog requirements from issues originally created in JIRA
- View SpecRun test execution statistics from SpecLog
Bugfixes and small improvements
- Improved stability of the client
- The connected server's URL is displayed in synchronisation tooltips and error messages when hovering over the synchronisation button
- Improved logging for TFS plugins
- Fixed exception when trying to save a local repository to a network share with UNC path
- Improvement: New help icon in the requirements tool widget opens the query syntax documentation
- Improvement: The name of the current tab is displayed in the title bar
- Fixed: Search not working properly after changing repository language
- Fixed: Search not working properly after upgrading from v1.14 -> v1.15
- Fixed: Exception when trying to save local repository file to a UNC path
- Fixed: Upgrading a server with a long command history causes timeout
- Fixed: tags on example groups are rendered wrong for linked Gherkin files
- Fixed: Exporting to a locked XPS file throws exception
- Improvement: Comma is not added after selecting an existing actor
- Improvement: Busy indicator while deleting a repository on the server is in progress
- Improvement: Busy indicator while trying to connect to a given SpecLog server URL
Upgrading the server and client
This release requires the server database schema to be upgraded. Please refer to the section on upgrading the server for further details.
You need to upgrade both the server and client; version 1.14 clients CANNOT connect to version 1.15 servers and vice versa.
Upgrading from older releases than v1.14:
Please review all release notes from previous releases!