Oxygen Discord - technologEEE-NJ/oxygendiscord GitHub Wiki
Oxygen Discord
A platform for us to connect virtually: https://discord.gg/EAGWP9k
Logisics Overview
Discord Platform
Q: What is Discord?
A: It's an app where people can socialize with voice, live streaming and texts online. Here is a great overview
Q: Is Discord accessible via company laptop? A: No. Please use your personal device, such as a smart phone, a tablet, or computer.
Q: How to get Discord?
A1: Click here to download the application.
A2: You can also:Click here to "Open Discord in your browswer"
Note: It is preferrable to download the Discord App opposed to using the web browser. The downloaded application offers a more consistent user experience and has more features like streaming and enhanced push-to-talk.
Note: If you choose to use the web browser version, use Chrome or Firefox for best experience (Safari and Edge/IE have bugs).
Q: How do I join the server?
A: We will send out a link to join the discord server. TODO
Q: What do I do after I join the server?
A: Please check out the following channels:
- #-welcome
- #-rules
Jackbox Games
Q: How to join a party?
A: Please check out the voice channels, there is likely a host waiting to start a game!
Q: Will there be a link for me to join the trivia?
A: YES. Once the game host starts the game, the stream will show the 4-letter room number, go to jackbox.tv and type in the room number and your name as prompted.
Advance Settings
Please go to respective folder and read the readme there